QUALITY HEALTH AND CARE WITH SCOTLAND’S THIRD SECTOR Route Map to the 2020 Vision NHSScotland Event - June 2013
Third Sector opportunities and solutions…
Quality Strategy Launched in May 2010 The basis for staff and stakeholders to work together with the public towards three Quality Ambitions The vision is world-leading safe, effective and person-centred health and care
2020 Vision (1) By 2020 everyone is able to live longer healthier lives at home, or in a homely setting and: Integrated health and social care Focus on prevention and supported self- management Day case treatment as norm, wherever hospital treatment is needed and cannot be provided in a community setting
2020 Vision (2) Whatever the setting, provide care to the highest standards of quality and safety, with the person at the centre of decisions A focus on ensuring a return home or to community setting as soon as appropriate, with minimal risk of re-admission
Why? Proportion of over-75s up >25% by 2023 Could raise spend alone by >70% by 2033 Health inequalities Shift to long-term / multiple conditions Major rise in dementia cases predicted
Third Sector opportunities and solutions…
Key Features of 2020 Route Map Public service reform Improving quality at scale Cross-sector opportunities for transformational innovation and growth Targeted, accelerated improvement Shifting the balance of power to individuals / communities Community Planning Partnerships Strategy for engaging and empowering our workforce Responds to many of the issues in the Francis Inquiry
Some early tools for leverage: Engagement Matrix Discovering the Third Sector – web resource Community Benefit Clauses - procurement
Third Sector opportunities and solutions…
Contact details Mark O'Donnell Deputy Director Quality Unit Head of Planning and Quality Division Health & Social Care Directorates Scottish Government GR06, St Andrews House, Edinburgh T M E
Kim Wallace, Senscot & Ready for Business
Community Benefit Clauses (CBCs) Community Benefit Clauses are contractual clauses which can be used to build a range of economic, social or environmental conditions into the delivery of public contracts. Case Study: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde – New South Glasgow Hospitals Ready for business can provide practical support with the development and implementation of CBCs. Visit the Ready for Business Stand
Colin Campbell, Executive Director, Assist Social Capital
Case Study Engaging Community Assets