John 20 The Resurrection “Your pain will turn into joy…I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice” (16:20-22).


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Presentation transcript:

John 20 The Resurrection “Your pain will turn into joy…I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice” (16:20-22).

John 20 The Resurrection 1.Discovery of the Empty Tomb (v. 1-10). a.Mary Magdalene comes to tomb alone (cf. Synoptics). 1)Finds stone rolled away; reports missing body to Peter and BD. 2)“They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him.” b.Peter and “Beloved Disciple” race to tomb. 1)Peter rushes in, sees grave clothes, has no reaction. 2)BD “sees” and “believes.”

John 20 The Resurrection 1.Discovery of the Empty Tomb (v. 1-10). c.Significance of grave clothes: 1)Not a grave robbery. 2)Not a mere resuscitation – but a transformed existence.

John 20 The Resurrection 2.Appearance to Mary Magdalene (v ) a.She recognizes him only when he speaks her name (cf. 10:3-4). b.“Do not hold on to me because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go tell my brothers I am ascending…” (v. 17). c.Announces to disciples, “I have seen the Lord” (v. 18) – “first apostle.”

3.Appearances to the Disciples (v ). a.First occasion (v ). 1)Sunday evening, disciples are gathered behind locked doors. 2)Jesus appears in midst, bids peace, shows his hands and side. 3)Commissions them to continue his mission to the world 4)Breathes on them the gift of the Holy Spirit (cf. Gen. 2; Ezek. 37). 5)Confers power of forgiveness through preaching of gospel (cf. Mt. 16:19; 18:18). John 20 The Resurrection Traditional House of the “Upper Room”

3.Appearances to the Disciples (v ). b.Second occasion (v ). 1)Thomas doubts; vows not to believe without seeing/touching (v. 25). 2)“Eight days” later – Sunday evening – Jesus appears again. 3)Invites Thomas to touch and see his hands and side (v. 27). 4)Thomas confesses: “My Lord and my God” (v. 28). 5)Jesus rebukes Thomas’ faith based on “seeing” and pronounces blessing on “those who have not seen, yet have come to believe” (v. 29). John 20 The Resurrection Traditional House of the “Upper Room”

4.Statement of Purpose (v ). a.That readers may “come to believe” or “continue believing.” b.May be original ending of FG. John 20 The Resurrection