Contract 9ME/20 Return from Summer Leave Fall 2012 JobAidLeave ReturnFromSummerLeave9ME/20
9ME Faculty Election Please provide payroll the election form signed by your 9ME faculty 9ME/20 = Paid in 20 pays 9ME/26 = Paid over 26 pays This election an irrevocableelection.
9ME Faculty Leave 9ME Leave accrual will be activated effective 08/22/2012 for the 1 st pay period ending 09/02/2012. Manual adjustments should be entered onto PHAHOUR using adjustment leave codes on the first pay period of processing.
Step 1 Job Data You may begin entering future dated actions for pay period ending 09/02/2012 Base Job Tab – Contraction Information 9ME/20 faculty Begin Date = 08/20/2012
Contract Pay Record Add a Change with a New Effective Date 08/20/2012
Job Detail Change Reason Use effective date 08/20/2012 Change = RFS Reason – Return from summer Leave 9MS Verify the Annual Salary is accurate, update if necessary Factor = 20 Pays = 20 Save the record
Default Earns Tab Earn Code has an End as of Date = 05/28/2012 Place your cursor under the current Earn Code “CON” Option –Add A Change Reason with a new effective date = 8/20/2012 Enter the Earn Code Future Date the End Date 05/26/2013 Save the record
PDADEDN 9ME/20 Faculty will have two medical deduction codes and two life deduction codes. Example: Faculty are enrolled into 1H1 Blue Cross and either 1S1 or 1S2 along with the ER match portion depending on pre-tax or post-tax enrollment. Using the 2012 Medical Summer Premium Rate please update your bi-weekly rate accordingly for the next 18 pays.
Calculation of Premiums 1H1 Single Coverage Employee Monthly Rate = $ EmployER Monthly Rate = $ Monthly rate x 3 = Total Due / 18 pays = Bi-weekly deduction x 3 = / 18 = $24.38 for employee portion x 3 = / 18 = $73.14 for employER portion 9ME faculty will have two deduction free paychecks 11/30/12 and 05/31/2013
9ME Contract Records 9ME Contract employee that worked a summer contract should have had a different employee contract record. Have you terminated the summer Job Data record? Why? This Summer Contract record will produce a timesheet your employee will be over paid.
9ME Faculty Moving from a 9/20 to a 9/26 If an employee is moving from a 9/20 job to a 9/26 job, first terminate their ‘20’ job and creates a new ‘26’ job for the employee with a Start Date of 08/20/2012 in the proper ECLS. Update PEAMEPL and Position /Suffix. PDADEDN – terminate the summer premiums deductions Does this require a review of all miscellaneous deductions?