Common Items Missing or Incorrect Section 01 – Missing date for the Report Use the month end (1/31/13) 3
Common Items Missing or Incorrect Section 04 – Modes of Service Bus – should only be selected if you have a scheduled route or Deviated Route Deviated Route – allows flexibility to leave the route and get back on the route as needed. 4
Common Items Missing or Incorrect Section 04 – Modes of Service Demand Response – Passengers call in to schedule the rides (the majority of your service is Demand Response) Vanpool – coordinated group sharing a vehicle(s) and going to similar destinations Other – none of the current service in Wyoming are in the other category 5
Other Resources Volunteers – list volunteers that are providing transit trips for your agency Personal Vehicles – only report here if the vehicle was used for a transit trip Nothing in this section should be reported for meal delivery unless the trip involved included a transit trip 6
Service Data Miles – these are the miles that are driven in your public transportation program Hours – the hours driven from the time a vehicle goes into service until it is parked for the evening Trips- when a person boards and de-boards your vehicle, a trip is taken All trips should be reported as unlinked All of the above information should be separated by mode 7
Vehicles Total Vehicles – all the vehicles available to you for public transportation purposes ADA Vehicles - vehicles that have a ramp or lift that would meet the requirements of the ADA 8
Financial Information Data will auto populate from the BE 20 Billing Entry Tab 9
Data for these 3 blocks will auto populate from the RU 20 Form 11
Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service (VOMS) # of vehicles required to run your typical service in a given day Number of Service Days # of days that you operated your transit program in a month 12
Type of Trip Home Delivered Meals Are counted as 2 meals for 1 trip Should only be billed if part of a public transportation trip Counted as Other in the Type of Rider Section 13
Type of Rider Other should be reported for Dead Head and Home Delivered Meals 14
Type of Trip and Type of Rider Totals should always be equal Home Delivery meals and dead head equal the OTHER 15
Any expense reported must be related to your Transit Program Expense must be reasonable, necessary and allowable Reasonable – the costs should not exceed what a prudent person would pay for a similar service or item. A determination should be made as to whether the cost is within the going market rate. Necessary – the expenditure is required to complete your transit project. Allowable – see the relevant OMB Circular for guidance 2 CFR Part 225 – State, Local and Indian Tribe Governments 2 CFR Part 230 – Non Profit Organizations 2 CFR Part 215 – Universities, Hospitals and Other Non- profits Insurance Deductibles to be paid due to an accident have been determined to be unallowable due to our participation in the payment of your insurance premium. Deductibles should be paid out of your local funds. 16
Billing/Invoice # 7 digit alphanumeric identifier for your payments Starts with FTA Suggest two digit month followed by two digit year January 2013 would be FTA 01/13 21
WYDOT may ask for supporting documentation for any and all expenditures at any time Must report Farebox Revenue on this form Farebox revenues include fares paid by riders who are later reimbursed by a human service agency or other user-side subsidy arrangement. Purchase of transit passes or other fare media for clients would also be considered farebox revenue. Farebox revenues do not include payments made directly to the transportation provider by human service agencies to purchase service. In addition a voluntary or mandatory fee that a college, university, or similar institution imposes on all its students for free or discounted transit service is not farebox revenue. 25
Text fields – the cells within the worksheet are set up with expanded fields. Even though you don’t see all the typed information in the actual cell you can click on it and refer to the top of the worksheet which will show everything contained within that individual cell. 31
Program income may be used for Local Match Contract for service 40
Program income may be used for Local Match Advertising revenue Sale of assets 41
Income generated in your transit program must remain in your transit program Can use this to start capital reserve accounts WYDOT is required to report this to the Federal Transit Administration 42
Monthly report should be sent to the following individuals: Robert – Joni Kithas – Talbot – 307- Taylor – 44