6 th WLTP IWG Meeting Agenda Item 12 General issues: Drafting issues - Report by S. Dubuc WLTP rev1e GTR Status
GTR Activities since the November 2013 GRPE November 2013 ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2013/13 as amended by GRPE Rev.1 is approved and sent to WP.29 for its March 2014 meeting. This represents the end of Phase 1a Start of Phase 1b Editorial errors are corrected and incorporated into the GTR GTR uploaded to CIRCABC (WLTP GTR Benchmark Word 2013) Editorial errors noticed by various parties (DC, Audi, VW, TRL, Horiba, MAHA), including clarification of an equation in Annex 5 Test Equipment, carriage returns, spelling, etc., corrected and incorporated into the GTR GTR uploaded to CIRCABC (WLTP GTR Benchmark docx) along with UN ECE corrigendum (WLTP UN Corrigendum docx) WLTP-06-20e GTR Status
March 2014 ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2013/13 as amended by GRPE Rev.1 was approved by the WP29 at its March 2014 meeting and is published as ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/027e (dated December ) and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/027c1e (dated ). WLTP-06-20e GTR Status
Examples of editorial changes in the GTR WLTP-06-20e GTR Status
Examples of editorial changes in the GTR Annex 5 para (h): “Also achieve > 99.0 per cent vaporization of 30 nmtetracontane nm tetracontane (CH3(CH2)38CH3) particles …” Annex 6 para : (b)Dilution and sampling system temperatures as required for emissions measurement systems defined of in Annex 5. WLTP-06-20e GTR Status
Examples of editorial changes in the GTR WLTP-06-20e GTR Status
Examples of editorial changes in the GTR In this case, the word „the“ after „between“ was missing. WLTP-06-20e GTR Status
Examples of editorial changes in the GTR The % sign has been added WLTP-06-20e GTR Status
Annex 5, Test Equipment, Weighing chamber buoyancy correction, § was: Annex 5, Test Equipment, Weighing chamber buoyancy correction, § changed to: WLTP-06-20e GTR Status
Examples of editorial changes in the GTR This is the type of proposal which the IWG must approve: WLTP-06-20e GTR Status
Examples of editorial changes in the GTR This is the type of proposal which the IWG must approve: WLTP-06-20e GTR Status
Examples of editorial changes in the GTR This is the type of proposal which the IWG must approve: It was proposed that the minus sign be deleted. WLTP-06-20e GTR Status
Examples of editorial changes in the GTR This is the type of proposal which the IWG must approve: Inconsistency in the EV equations with Joules and megajoules. WLTP-06-20e GTR Status
Examples of editorial changes in the GTR This is the type of proposal which the IWG must approve: Propose elimination of the second sentence. WLTP-06-20e GTR Status
Examples of editorial changes in the GTR Maximum vehicle load Reference atmospheric conditions „reference conditions“ used 7 times Charge-depleting break-off criteria Electrified vehicle Highest fuel consuming mode Hybrid vehicle Not off-vehicle charging (NOVC) term not used per se but the abbreviation Pure electric mode Recharged energy (E AC ) term not used per se but the abbreviation REESS correction criteria Category 1-1 vehicle Catergory 1-2 Examples of definitions not used in the GTR WLTP-06-20e GTR Status