Daily Geography - Week 20
DG Week 20 Day1 #1. The mouth of the Parana River is located in Argentina. In what country can its source be found? #2. In what ocean do 20° S latitude and 80° E Longitude intersect?
Answer Day 1 #1 Brazil
Answer Day 1 #2 Indian Ocean X
DG Week 20 Day 2 #1. Land formed by soil deposited at the mouth of a river is called a ____________. Find an example of one on your map. #2 What is the only colony on the South American Continent? Delta
Answer Day 2 #1 Delta
Answer Day 2 #2 French Guiana
DG Week 20 Day 3 #1. Is it Farther to go Venezuela to Bolivia or Venezuela to Cuba? #2. What is the name of the salt lake located on the border between Israel and Jordan?
Answer Day 3 #1 Venezuela to Bolivia
Answer Day 3 #2 Dead Sea
DG Week 20 Day 4 #1. Kathmandu is the capital of what Asian nation? #2. What is the name of a well known cape in the state of Massachusetts?
Answer Day 4 #1 Nepal
Answer Day 4 #2