Closing the Achievement Gap: Poverty Funding Calculation Update Michael Elliott State School Fund Coordinator Oregon Department of Education
Overview of Poverty Calculation Previous Calculation HB 2098 Data Set Calculations Case Study Data Runs
Current Data Two Sets of Data: Large districts (greater than 2,500 ADMr) ◦Census Data ◦Change in ADMr
Current Data Small Districts (less than 2,500 ADMr) Greater of Census Data (see Large Districts) Portion of County’s Free and Reduced Lunch count
Current Data Problems Accuracy Severity Changes
HB 2098 Rulemaking Authority Maintains 0.25 Weight
HB 2098: Legislative Intent Accurate Data Generally accessible and accepted data Use U.S. Census Bureau data
HB 2098: District Concerns No additional data collections
HB 2098: ODE Goals Transparency Accuracy
What about Free and Reduced Lunch Data? Different Definition Known underreporting Accuracy concerns
Small Area Income Poverty Estimate (SAIPE) U.S. Census Bureau data Updated annually District level data
SAIPE Statistical Model SNAP from U.S. Department of Agriculture IRS Data American Community Survey data
SAIPE Data provided: Population of district Population age 5-17 in district Population of age 5-17 in families in poverty
Poverty Calculation Start with SAIPE Data Total Population age 5 to 17 in school district
Poverty Calculation Problem: Not all children attend public schools Need accurate population in public schools
Poverty Calculation Solution: Use ADMr Percentage of children attending public school
Poverty Calculation
Problem: Some ADMr to SAIPE 5 to 17 ratios will be greater than 100% Charter School enrollment Inter-district transfers Open Enrollment
Poverty Calculation Solution: Cap ADMr to SAIPE 5 to 17 ration to 100% District gets SAIPE maximum Charter schools receive district percentage
Does this work? Salem Keizer: 1. SAIPE population age 5 to 17 = 45, ADMr = 37, SAIPE Poverty = 12,572
Does this work? Salem Keizer: ADMr ÷ SAIPE 37, ÷ 45,269 = 83.94% ADMr-SAIPE ratio × SAIPE Poverty 83.94% × 12,572 = 10, Change in weights = increase
Does this work? DHS and OHA published report on poverty hotspots Hotspot is a high concentration of family in poverty
Does this work? Data Used: Oregon SNAP data Oregon Employment Data DHS client data Available at: ments/High%20Poverty%20Hotspots% pdf ments/High%20Poverty%20Hotspots% pdf
Does this work? SAIPE v. Free and Reduced Lunch
Data Sets Two data sets: v Poverty Change v ADMw
Data Sets First Data Set Compares change in poverty Change in weights Change in projected funding
Data Sets Second Data Set ADMw for compared to Shows extended ADMw interaction with poverty weights Extended ADMw calculation
Data Set #1: 3 Outcomes Outcome #1: Redmond SD 1. Poverty increased 2. Total funding increased
Data Set #1: 3 Outcomes Outcome #1: Redmond SD Poverty increased ◦Increase of to Extended ADMw increased ◦Increase of to 8, Increase weights more than loss of $$/wt ◦Increase of $1,940,717 ◦$$/wt loss of $336,302
Data Set #1: 3 Outcomes Outcome #2: Bandon SD 1. Poverty decreased 2. Total funding decreased
Data Set #1: 3 Outcomes Outcome #2: Bandon SD Poverty decreased ◦Decrease of to Extended ADMw remained the same Increase weights less than loss of $/wt ◦Same weights ◦$/wt loss of $38,602.69
Data Set #1: 3 Outcomes Outcome #3: Corvallis SD 1. Poverty increased 2. Total funding decreased
Data Set #1: 3 Outcomes Outcome #3: Corvallis SD Poverty increased ◦Increase of 36.4 to Extended ADMw increased ◦Increase of 0.43 to 7, Increase weights less than loss of $/wt ◦Increase of $3,049 ◦$/wt loss of $293,965
Data Set #1: 3 Outcomes Outcome #3: Corvallis Breakdown extended ADMw: 1. Greater ADMw between and Charter school ADMw counted separate
Data Set #1: 3 Outcomes Outcome #3: Corvallis Extended ADMw Non-charter ADMw Difference: School ADMw ADMw Extended ADMw Non-Charter7, , , Muddy Creek TOTAL7,127.74
Data Set #1: 3 Outcomes Outcome #3: Corvallis Extended ADMw ADMw has to increase by more than to affect funding level
Summary 1. HB 2098: more accurate and up-to-date 2. SAIPE: district level with annual updates 3. Calculation: (ADMr/SAIPE Pop)* SAIPE Poverty 4. 3 outcomes 5. Next Steps