Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Recommendations from the Minnesota Transportation Finance Advisory Committee.


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Presentation transcript:

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Recommendations from the Minnesota Transportation Finance Advisory Committee KEEP MOVING TO KEEP AHEAD

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS To maintain what we have and position Minnesota for the future, we need to invest in our transportation infrastructure.

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Our transportation system needs to: -Help Minnesota businesses access labor, move products, prosper and stay in Minnesota -Help Minnesota compete for jobs, talent and economic growth with other states and regions that are investing in their transportation systems -Be designed to handle Minnesota’s growing and changing population -Be modern and better than ever before

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Over 70 leaders agree

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Our transportation system is a vital part of keeping Minnesotans connected.

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Keeping Minnesotans connected Easing commutes and giving businesses access to over 500,000 more employees Our transportation system connects us to:

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Investment and growth How much do we drive?

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Our transportation system needs to accommodate our growth and changing population.

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Accommodate growth The amount of goods we’re moving is growing by 2030

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Greater demands on our commutes

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Our transportation system is aging and needs updating.

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Our system is aging Seasonal changes, a short construction season and inadequate funding all contribute to the condition of our interstate highway pavements, placing Minnesota 44 th in the nation.

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Our system is aging Minnesota has over:

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS 50% of MnDOT’s pavements are over 50 years old 40% of MnDOT’s bridges are over 40 years old

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Investing now The buying power of projected revenue is expected to decrease over the next 20 years.

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Projected growth* An expanded transit brings enhanced mobility to the region, which has benefits for both highway and transit users. * Itasca Project | Regional Transit System | ROI Assessment

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Investment and economic growth go hand in hand.

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Investment and growth We need a robust, efficient transit system to compete with other regions for jobs, talent and economic development.

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Investment and growth Other regions know transit matters and are investing more.

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Investment and growth Transportation investment would benefit all Minnesotans.

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Investment & economic growth

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Funding would come from 4 areas: System-wide revenue options for roads Local government revenue options Transit related dedicated sales tax Create innovative revenue options

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Keep moving to keep ahead Minnesota’s transportation needs have to meet the needs of a growing population. To compete economically, both regionally and nationally, an investment must be made or we will fall behind. Our economic viability, as well as the quality of life for all Minnesotans depends on a sound transportation system.

Keep Moving to Keep Ahead / INVESTING IN TRANSPORTATION FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS Minnesota Transportation Finance Advisory Committee