All-IP Transition Initiatives June 17,
ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting June 17, 2014 IP Transition Work within ATIS The IP transition and the evolution of the network is a topic that permeates many of ATIS’ work programs. This presentation highlights some of ATIS’ IP transition work. Technical work is being done within ATIS’ committees and forums, including most notably its Packet Technologies and Systems Committee (PTSC) and Industry Numbering Committees (INC). INC’s work is being presented separately to the NANC. Previous updates on ATIS’ IP transition work has been provided in ATIS’ July 2013 comments in GN Docket No Forward-looking strategic work is underway within ATIS’ Technology and Operations (TOPS) Council. 2
ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting June 17, 2014 ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Initiative In December 2013, ATIS and the SIP Forum launched the IP-NNI Joint Task Force to address the following areas: Protocol: Define reference architecture with functional entities necessary for IP-based interconnection Provide exact specification for all protocols at the NNI Routing: Define the architecture for sharing NNI interconnection data Will not identify a single approach Solutions will co-exist during transition Specify how solutions work together 3
ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting June 17, 2014 ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Initiative The initiative will allow the industry to continue to support key principles: Universal connectivity to next generation broadband networks and services; The protection of consumers, including safeguards against fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices; Uninterrupted, seamless access to public safety, national security, emergency preparedness/response services; Continued network reliability and robustness; and The facilitation of competition and innovation. 4
ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting June 17, 2014 ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Initiative: Status 5 The group is working on the initial readout on progress on the routing framework and IP Interconnect protocol. The NNI Profile is scheduled for Q
ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting June 17, 2014 IP Services Interconnect Focus Group The ATIS TOPS Council IPSI-FG is defining a strategy for developing an IP services interconnect specification suitable for all service provider types, encompassing basic, advanced, and future services. Includes forward-looking services such as HD Voice, Video, Messaging, and Data. Requirements are identified for a set of interconnection profiles built on existing standards to enable these services and to deliver a consistent user experience across all types of networks (e.g., Wireless, Fixed, and Cable). This analysis is complementary to the work of the ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force. 6
ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting June 17, 2014 IP Services Interconnect Focus Group The IPSI-FG will help ensure interconnection and interoperability between service providers (e.g., Fixed, Wireless and Cable) for all IP-based service. Many options exist across the overlapping standards that have been developed by leading SDOs (e.g., ATIS PTSC, IETF, ITU, 3GPP, PacketCable, GSMA, i3Forum, SIP Forum) to address interoperability. Agreement as to which of the specifications to base the interconnect upon is often a key initial step. 7
ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting June 17, 2014 IPSI Focus Group: Next Steps The IPSI –FG is currently examining advanced services as use cases: HD voice Video Voice => video + voice Video + voice => voice only Analysis is limited to stage 1 (requirements) and stage 2 (architecture). Any stage 3 (protocol) work would be referred to the ATIS PTSC. 8
ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting June 17, 2014 PSRA-TF: Cross Industry Alignment The ATIS TOPS Council has launched a IP-Transition of Public Safety Related Applications Task Force (PSRA-TF). The PSRA-TF will address the migration of infrastructure associated with public safety, for example: Alarm circuits to local fire and police departments; FAA circuits to towers and alarms; Circuits that monitor railroad crossings; Circuits for sensors at gas and power company locations; Meter and alarming circuits related to power grids; and Circuits supporting underground communications. Addressing these applications will be critical to the timely transition to All-IP. 9
ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting June 17, 2014 PSRA-TF: Key Contributors 10 Identify specific circuit types and applications Prioritize applications Operators Provide solutions that support the IP Transition Contribute to development of roadmap Manufacturers Industry groups can represent the diverse needs of a broad range of customers Provide feedback on recommendations, best practices Outreach to industry associations, customers
ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting June 17, 2014 PSRA-TF: Status Public safety-related applications involve a diverse set of customers with unique requirements. In most cases, circuit records (only) do not provide sufficient data on the underlying applications. Many existing customer requirements are based on the characteristics of the legacy copper network. Feedback with relevant industry groups and associations is necessary to develop transitional and future solutions. Sharing of the findings and customer education are essential. 11 The PSRA-TF has developed a preliminary view of the current environment and challenges.
ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting June 17, 2014 PSRA-TF: Next Steps The PSTA-TF is developing its report, which will include: Assessment and prioritization of key applications and issues impacting transition; Potential solutions and proposed guidelines; and Recommended roadmap and timing. The Task Force is also collecting data from relevant industry groups. The Task Force will communicate its recommendations to regulatory bodies and industry associations. 12
ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting June 17, 2014 Questions? If you have any questions or comments, please contact: Jackie Voss Manager, ATIS Standards Development 13
ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 NANC Meeting June 17, 2014 Supplemental Information 14 Relevant ATIS Regulatory Activity July 2013 – ATIS comments in response to the FCC’s Public Notice in GN Docket No identifying ATIS work programs relevant to the IP Transition. January 2014 – ATIS INC recommendation for mandatory nationwide 10-digit dialing and testbed input. March 2014 – ATIS INC input on eleven high-level functional requirements for the numbering testbed. April 2014 – ATIS recommendation regarding common reference points that need to be identified to effectively compare testbed proposals. April 2014 – ATIS submission of its PSTN Transition Focus Group Assessment and Recommendations (ATIS-I ) to FCC Technology Advisory Council to assist its IP Transition work.