Bilingual Directors’ Meeting November 20, 2014
We value your feedback! Please complete top section before the meeting & the bottom section at the end of the meeting.
Introduction: Line up by the distance you drove to get to the Bilingual Directors meeting. Introduce yourself. Name and district Share how many people from your district will be attending: The Accountability Leadership Institute? The ELA/ELD Framework Rollout?
New Language Acquisition Coordinator Jorge Cuevas Antillon
ELPAC English Language Proficiency Assessment for California
Input from the Field ELPAC Window ELPAC Initial Assessment: Pilot - Fall 2015 Field Test - Fall 2016 Operational - Fall 2017 ELPAC Summative Assessment: Pilot - Fall 2016 Field Test - Fall 2017 Operational - Fall 2018
LCAP Update Nancy Sedgwick
ELD/ELA Framework Vignettes: What needs to be in place?
Share one thing about the ELD/ELA Framework your excited about and why
Collaborative Conversations: ELD/ELA In Action: Read either vignette. Mark up your text (highlight, underline, write notes in margin, etc.) You’ll have 20 minutes to read it.
Collaborative Conversations: Guiding Questions? How does teacher collaboration support the learner? How are students engaged in the learning? What needs to be in place in order for teachers to be able to enact this type of instruction?
Collaborative Conversations: ELD/ELA Share Out: What needs to be in place in order for teachers to be able to enact this type of instruction? In what ways can SDCOE support teachers/schools getting there?
PLS Sharing: Increasing Student Engagement through Student Shadowing
CABE Volunteers & Awards March 4-7, 2015
Title III Update
Announcements & Meeting Impact/Feedback
Wrap Up: Please complete bottom section & turn in on your way out! Thank you!