Friday, September 20 th vendredi le 20 septembre Book (open and on your desk with your name inside) and Supply Check (binder/folder, paper, notebook, black or blue pen, red grading pen, pencil) (not needed: flashcards—but you’ll be using them for the flashcards due next Wed., colored pencils, kleenex or flashdrive)
Sept th (4 th week of 1 st 6 weeks) F1 Sub Work on Café # worksheet (on back counter). Use your book to help you remember numbers on pg. R7—in back of book! 2. H/W: FP word search Work on your country project F 1 Sub 1.Work on: Finish up café and number page, and make sure your Francophone countries wordsearch is done. Work on Activity Pour Tous 1& 2 Don’t forget: Work on your country project at home! F 1 Due: café/# page, FP wordsearch Questions on APT Due Thurs. Textbook with audio work & Workbook with audio pgs. F 1 Due: APT pages & self check Finish up workbook and textbook audio review H/W: study for vocab. F1 Quiz-vocabulary Mon: Online quiz Wed.-Flashcards due All week: Oral/audio practice Project due Tues. Test next Fri. F 2R 1. Write in notebook-- Notes: clothes, things, & places- Copy yellow boxes from back of text pgs. R4, R5, R6. 2. Do workbook pages 1& 2. H/W: Finish class work and Work on your “MOI” F 2R 1.Make sure notes are done from yesterday: clothes, things, & places-Copy yellow boxes from back of text pgs. R4, R5, R6. 2.Finish up workbook pages 1 & 2 Cognates pages- H/W & project F 2R Due: Workbook pgs. 1 & 2 & Cognates pages (English from French) Notes: Grammar 1 Vocab: pkt. Part 3 & 4 review Finish INTRO game F 2R Notes: Grammar 2 Review of vocab. 3, Game for review F 2R QUIZ- French 1 vocab units 1-3 Project due Tues. Quiz on vocab - Tues Test next Fri. F 2PreAP 1.Write in notebook—Notes clothes, things, & places-R4, R5, R6. 2. Do workbook pages Use text if needed, (reprise section and R sections) H/W: Finish up workbook pages & also work on project F 2PreAP 1.Make sure notes are done from yesterday: clothes, things, & places-Copy yellow boxes from back of text pgs. R4, R5, R6. 2.Finish up workbook pages 1 & 2 Cognates pages- & project F2 PreAP Due: Workbook pgs. 1 & 2, Cognates pages Notes: Grammar review Vocab: Review 3, 4 Finish INTRO game F2 PreAP Notes: Grammar 2 Review vocab 3, Game for review F2 PreAP Quiz- F 1 vocab units 1-3 Project due Tues. QUIZ: vocab 1-6 Tues. QUIZ-borrowed words Wed. TEST next Fri. F 3 1. En classe: Avec votre partenaire, lisez “les 3 bagues” pg & lesquestions pg. 28, H/W: Workbook pg. 3, 4, 5 & bottom half of 7. Due Wed. with Acrostic. F 3 Finish up your workbook pages 3,4,5, bottom of 7 and have questions answered on pgs from your short story “Les trois bagues”. Acrostics due Wed. F 3 DUE: Workbook pages Review answers if all are in Read aloud: Les 3 bagues Acrostics due today! F 3 Quiz: 3 bagues Acrostics for 90 Review for quiz: reprise F 3 Quiz- Unit REPRISE Acrostics for 80. Projects due Tues. Verb/grammar review TEST Friday Then Demo projects! Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri
( LMS) You’ll find consistency between classes video link video link More about Modules video link ******Best Practices for Submitting Assignments: video linkvideo link
1.Go to classes, French, first 6 weeks and find the assignment, click onto the blue link. 2.Download it and “save as”, rename it as: YOUR NAME_ F2-4_ Je me pr ésente Project Or YOUR NAME_F1-6_Francophone Country Project ) BUT THAT IS JUST THE SPECS! Read & save to desktop, but NOT you’re submitting that! 3. Now, go in powerpoint (go to START, NEW MICROSOFT OFFICE DOCUMENT, CLICK 3 rd one over that has some RED on it, & create your new powerpoint). DO your project, & save it same way onto desktop. (see sample in class) *** 4. Go back to assignment, & now click top BLACK, bold assignment link, scroll down to “browse” button & browse your computer, click and find your POWERPOINT on your desktop, (not my specs paper!), click open, then scroll down & click Submit. (this should be your final copy!), it’ll generate a preview and then show you that it submitted the assignment. 5. Go back out & then back in and see if you can preview what it loaded. You will have 3 attempts ONLY to submit. Save it on a flashdrive also. I will check “properties” on flashdrive to see last date/time it was worked on. Must be submitted before 7:30 a.m. on LMS and on the flashdrive to earn that day’s credit.HAVE IT DONE BOTH WAYS THIS TIME!! If you cannot, bring flashdrive!! How to:
F 3 DÛ: les acrostiches-80% Étudiez: verb PP L’interro: H/W: PROJECT!!!
F 2 PreAP 1. Book & Supply check while you turn in late work & study orange packet. 2. Board races game for review 3. Quiz-***units 1,2,3 vocabulary F 1 pkt. 4. Explain project drop box! (just save to flashdrive) Due: Tues.-project Wed.-Flashcards Wed.-2 nd quiz Fri.-Test
F 2 R 1.Book & Supply check while you study your orange packet of French 1 vocabulary! 2.Board races game for review 3.QUIZ*** 4.Explain drop box for project 5.Finish or start intro game. DUE: Tues.-project-save on Flashdrive Wed.-Flashcards (2 nd quiz) Fri.-Test!
F 1 1.Book and Supply check as you study your study guide/vocabulary list! 2.All late work in for 50%, absent work also due! 3.QUIZ-20 words*** 4. IF TIMEGrade your APT pages F 1 APT unit 1 lesson 1 pgs 1 and 2.pdfF 1 APT unit 1 lesson 1 pgs 1 and 2.pdf 5. !!!***See how project is put into LMS!!!*** Tues: Project due –save on Flashdrive Wed.: Flashcards on all words unit 1 due (use list or online flashcards). Wed. 2 nd quiz Fri. TEST