SPERM HYLITER Karl Reich, Ph.D. Independent Forensics Lombard IL A New and Better Forensic Test for Human Blood
SPERM HYLITER BLOOD 15 min adsorb stain onto swab extract in provided extraction buffer RSID TM Running Buffer mix extract aliquot with running buffer (100 l total) add to RSID-Blood
SPERM HYLITER BLOOD 15 min adsorb stain onto swab extract in provided extraction buffer RSID TM Running Buffer mix extract aliquot with running buffer (100 l total) add to RSID-Blood
SPERM HYLITER BLOOD Sensitivity Testing 0 l1 l5 l100 l Extract volume Equiv. vol human blood 0 l 10 nl250 nl 1 l5 l 20 l 50 nl 50 l of human blood extracted in 1 ml BEB
SPERM HYLITER BLOOD Total Extract Volume ( l) 0 1, Equiv. volume human blood ( l) No High Dose Hook Effect
SPERM HYLITER BLOOD Testing RSID-BLOOD TM for Species Specificity 20 l of Extract 1 l equivalent neg – negative control pos – positive control F – ferret C – bonobo chimpanzee G – gorilla negposFCG
SPERM HYLITER BLOOD negpos ferret 1 l 20 l gorillaorangutan RSID-BLOOD TM Species Specificity: Direct Comparison negHFGO Hexagon OBTI Seratec Hemedirect
SPERM HYLITER BLOOD Specificity Testing Animal Species Tested: ferret, orangutan, gorilla, lowland gorilla, baboon, spider monkey, skunk, bonobo chimpanzee, goat, sheep, pig, horse, cat, mouse, dog, bull, Box turtle, opossum, American Elk, mule deer, alpaca, Siberian tiger, Nubian goat, NO CROSS REACTIONS IDENTIFIED - INCLUDING PRIMATES – CONFIRMATORY FOR HUMAN BLOOD Body Fluids Tested: sweat, semen, urine, saliva, vaginal secretions, double mixtures, triple mixtures
SPERM HYLITER Questions CommentsSamplesGripes Karl Reich Tel Fax