3 weeks German intensive language course We are offering a German intensive language course from 31st of August until 18th of September 2009 for all students from our Partner Universities. The course contains 4h of lecture per day and different excursions in the afternoons. The language level is A2 – you should have a basic knowledge of the German language. Facts:60h German intensive language course3ECTS costs for the course and excursion220 € We can provide accommodation for the patricipants for this period. Rental cost 230 €. Additional costs: public transportation, food, deposit for the flat, social live costs Application deadline: 31. July 2009 Please contact for application:
Das Thema kann über Menue/Ansicht/ Kopf-und Fusszeile geändert werden S2 German Intensive Language Course Content of the German Intensive language Course A2 Verbs: all tenses, subjunctive II, passive voice, transitive and intransitive verbs Verbs + prepositions Indirect interrogative sentence, reported speech Adjective + prepositions Pronouns/demonstrative pronouns Sentence structure: subordinate clauses German language requirements for the applicants is: Level A1 (beginners 1) Construction of simple sentences Questions Nouns: articles and cases Adjectives: declension, comparison, attributes Pronouns: personal, possessive – reflexive Verbs: conjugation, imperative, present perfect, separable and non separable verbs
Das Thema kann über Menue/Ansicht/ Kopf-und Fusszeile geändert werden S3 Exkursions during the German Intensive Language Course We will organize different excursions to the surrounding of Ludwigshafen am Rhein: The old city of Speyer with its kaiser dome Guided tour through a typical German Beer brewery Guided tour through Mannheim including the castle