DSRIP AND PHIP Overview Rapid Response Workgroup December 2, 2014 Ian Grant, MPH Rural Health Program Manager Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization
What is DSRIP? DSRIP = Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program 5-year action plan Objectives To reinvest savings generated by Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) reforms To transform New York State’s healthcare system and ensure access to quality care Goals To encourage innovative primary, preventive and other community-based care for Medicaid members To achieve a 25% reduction in avoidable hospital use (emergency department and hospital beds) For more information, visit: https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/dsrip/
What is DSRIP? Incentive payments Based on performance (i.e. improved care, better outcomes) Linked to achievement of project milestones Providers must develop Center of Medicaid Services (CMS) approved projects from each of the domains: #2 System Transformation Projects #3 Clinical Improvement Projects #4 Population-wide Projects For more information, visit: https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/dsrip/
Proposed DSRIP Projects for the North Country Domain 2 (System Transformation Projects) Create an Integrated Delivery System Increase Patient-Centered Medical Homes Create a Medical Village using existing Hospital Infrastructure Utilize a Care Transitions Intervention Model to reduce 30-day Readmissions for Chronic Conditions Domain 3 (Clinical Improvement Projects) Integrate primary care & behavioral health Evidence-based strategies for cardiovascular disease and diabetes care (primary and secondary prevention) For more on the North Country DSRIP: https://sharepoint.fdrhpo.org/public/NCI-DSRIP/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/SitePages/Home.aspx Get weekly updates when you sign up for the DSRIP 5 FAST FACTS email (using the link above)
Proposed DSRIP Projects for the North Country Domain 4 (Population-wide Projects, Prevention Agenda) Strengthen Mental Health and Substance Abuse Infrastructure Participate in health promotion and disorder prevention partnerships Provide cultural and linguistic training on health promotion, prevention and treatment Share data and information on health promotion and disorder prevention and treatment Increase Access to High Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management (both clinical and community settings) Targets chronic diseases not included in Domain 3 (colorectal cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) For more on the North Country DSRIP: https://sharepoint.fdrhpo.org/public/NCI-DSRIP/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/SitePages/Home.aspx Get weekly updates when you sign up for the DSRIP 5 FAST FACTS email (using the link above)
DSRIP Timeline April – June 2014: Planning Design July – December 2014: Needs Assessment and Project Planning December 22, 2014: Project Plan Application Due January – February 2015: DSRIP Implementation Planning March 1, 2015: Implementation Plan Due April 1, 2015: DSRIP Year 1 Begins For detailed information, visit: https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/dsrip/docs/dsrip_timeline.pdf
Population Health Improvement Program (PHIP) NYS DOH Program to promote the Triple Aim Better care, better population health, lower health care costs Select regional contractors to provide a neutral forum for identifying, sharing, disseminating and helping implement best practices Support and advance: Prevention Agenda (PA) and State Health Innovation Plan (SHIP), DSRIP Timeline Optional, non-binding Letter of Interest: September 4, 2014 Application deadline: October 6, 2014 October 17, 2014
PHIP Regions
PHIP Work Plan* Overview Contracting with Seaway Valley Prevention (lead Prevention Council) “Hotspotting” – addressing health issues affecting disparate underserved communities North Country Prenatal/Perinatal Council (lead Prevention Agency) Addressing maternal & child health issues affecting disparate underserved communities Oral health, well-child visits Northern Area Health Education Center (NAHEC) Enhance Wellness training of Mental Health Association staff Wellness program for the elderly FDRHPO Health promotion Community engagement Data collection and analysis Grant management * Awaiting NYS DOH Approval
For Additional Information Ian Grant, MPH Rural Health Program Manager Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization igrant@fdrhpo.org 315-755-2020 (ext 36)