”The gang of Luostarivuori” Made by: Erik, Jonne ja Väinö from Luolavuori Luostarivuori school and secondary school Luolavuori school
Studying in Luostarivuori school and going there Erik, Jonne ja Väinö have studied in Luostarivuori school already three years (secondary school). Friends are studying in Luostarivuori chemistry on every Monday and Wednesday. In addition Väinö and Jonne are studying religion on Mondays. Erik is an atheist so he doesn´t study religion, and he comes one hour later than others to study only chemistry. On Monday afternoons they have also home economics as an optional subject. Väinö and Jonne are leaving from Luolavuori school to Luostarivuori school at 9.30 a.m. and the lessons starts at p.m so they have to walk about 1,5km long distance in half an hour. When the boys were at grades 7th and 8th, assistant walk with them from school to school. Now, at 9th grade they are walking by themselves. There are no assistants with students on lessons in Luostarivuori school.
Luolavuoren koulu There is classes from preschool to secondary school in Luolavuori school There is a steel pan orchestra. Most of the pupils in Luolavuori school behave well. Most of the teachers are stricts. The food is free. We have ten pupils in our class. On some of the lessons there might be less pupils than ten for example in Maths there are only four pupils.
Co-operation with Luostarivuori school (special class teacher Mikko Hirvonen, Luolavuori school) The pupils of the Structured line for basic education (grades 7-9) in Luolavuori school have been taken part of Luostarivuori school’s integrated lessons for six years. Every year teachers from both schools arrange goals for the studies depending on the pupils and resources. Every student has their own individualized teaching plan and individualized goals for integration are also involved.
Luostarivuori pupils Basic education Subject teachers No assistants Evaluation by subject teachers with basic education criteria
Pupils participates usually at Luostarivuori lessons 2-4 hours per week. There might be longer periods also which aimed to test the possibility to take part permanently in basic education in Luostarivuori school. Pupils can study almost every subject but often making the timetables of two different school is challenging. The lessons are often in the beginning or in the end of the school days. In Luostarivuori school there are more possibilities to take optional subjects.