Fetal membranes, umbilical cord and placenta Dr. Sanjaya Adikari Department of Anatomy
Objectives Describe the structure and function of the placenta, umbilical cord and membranes
Chorionic plate Decidual plate
Chorionic villi Lacunar/intervillous spaces Cotyledon (15-20)
Macroscopic appearance of placenta
Placenta – fetal surface
Placenta – maternal surface
Placenta and membranes
What is placental barrier?
2 1 Placental barrier
Functions of the placenta Exchange of gases Removal of metabolic products Nutrition Transmission of maternal Ab Production of hormones
Placental hormones Human chorionic gonadotropin-hCG Progesterone Oestrogens Human chorionic somatomammotropin-hCS Relaxin These are secreted into the maternal circulation. Most maternal hormones do not cross the placenta.
Weeks hCG 612 Maintains the corpus luteum during the initial period of pregnancy Progesterone Oestriol Maintains the pregnancy Relaxin Inhibits myometrial contractions hCS Lactogenic function Growth stimulation
Weeks hCG 612 Progesterone Oestriol Relaxin hCS
Unwanted functions of placenta Transfer of infectious agents Transfer of drugs
Functions of the fetal membranes Protection/shock absorption
Umbilical cord umbilical arteries umbilical vein Wharton’s jelly
References Review of medical physiology by William F. Ganong Medical embryology by Jan Langman