Energy Requirement for Rural ICT Telecentre: CoERI Implementation A.K Othman 1, H. Zen, W.A Wan Zainal Abidin, T. Masri, H. Mohamad Basri, K. Lias, A. S. W Marzuki Institute of Social Informatics and Technological Infrastructure Centre of Excellence for Rural Informatics (ISITI-CoERI), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kota Samarahan, Sarawak eBario Knowledge Fair November 2011, Bario, Sarawak
Computer systemSolar PV System Energy Requirement for Rural ICT Telecentre: CoERI Implementation Setting up telecentre infrastructure Energy requirement Local energy resourceICT equipment requirementfund MicrohydroWind turbineGenerator sets RE Hybrid and Battery Backup System Computer peripheralConnectivity devices
Selection of Energy Sources for Rural ICT Energy Solution Capital Cost and Operation & Maintenance System Lifetime Availability of Resources Vulnerability to Damage from Natural Forces Solar Photovoltaic High capital cost, low operating cost years Battery replacement is required between 5-10 years WidespreadLow Generator Sets (Diesel/Gas) Low capital costs, high operating cost (Price of Petrol is three times higher compare to town area) 3-10 yearsWidespreadVery low Small Wind Medium capital costs, low operating cost. Most of CoERI ICT sites have less potential of wind power plant yearsSite SpecificModerate Micro-hydro Low-medium capital costs, low operating costs yearsSite SpecificHigh Battery Back-up System Battery backup system can be used in a variety of other electricity resources such as hybrid with solar PV, small hydro, wind and generator set. UNIMAS has done the study on the Lithium Polymer type of battery hybrid with generator sets and it claimed that it can reduced the cost of operating up to 50% (Project Grant No. L18403/F02/00/JARIMAS)
Computer systemSolar PV System Energy Requirement for Rural ICT Telecentre: CoERI Implementation Setting up telecentre infrastructure Energy requirement Local energy resourceICT equipment requirementfund MicrohydroWind turbineGenerator sets RE Hybrid and Battery Backup System Computer peripheralConnectivity devices
CoERI ICT Telecentre Energy Requirement Power Requirement for ICT Equipments Type of Equipment CoERI ICT Sites eBarioeLamaieBa’KalalaneBuayaneLarapan Quanti ty Power (Watts) Quantit y Power (Watts) Quantit y Power (Watts) Quantit y Power (Watts) Quant ity Power (Watts) Desktop Computer 8200x8= Laptop 180x1=80880x8= Server 150x1= Printer 1150x1= x1= Modem/Access Point 150x1= Switch/ Bridge 120x1= Others (Extra Equipments)
CoERI ICT Telecentre Energy Requirement Power Requirement for ICT Building Type of Equipment CoERI ICT Sites eBarioeLamaieBa’KalalaneBuayaneLarapan Quantity Power (Watts) Quantity Power (Watts) Quantit y Power (Watts) Quantit y Power (Watts) Quantit y Power (Watts) Lamp (CFL) 818x8=818x8= x10=180818x8= x10=18 0 Fluorescent 240x2= Fan (Standing /Table) 250x2= Fan (Ceiling/ Wall Mounted) 250x2= Security Spot Light/Outdoo r Lighting 240x2=80220x2=
eBario ICT Telecentre
eBa’Kelalan ICT Telecentre
eLamai ICT Telecentre
eLarapan ICT Telecentre
Computer systemSolar PV System Energy Requirement for Rural ICT Telecentre: CoERI Implementation Setting up telecentre infrastructure Energy requirement Local energy resourceICT equipment requirementfund MicrohydroWind turbineGenerator sets RE Hybrid and Battery Backup System Computer peripheralConnectivity devices