Company Name: Özgür Yazılım Project Title: 3D Massively Multiplayer Online Game (3D MMOG)
Group Members Özgür Fırat Erdoğan Onur Demircan Abdulkerim Mızrak
Team Organization Project Manager Abdulkerim Mızrak Network Design Group Özgür Onur Demircan Graphics Design Group Fırat Erdoğan Abdulkerim Mızrak
Outline Project Definition Game Scenerio Game Concept and Features Modules & Engines Development
Project Definition Designing 3D computer graphics Multiplayer game via Internet Artificial intelligence Audio Effects Providing Virtual Reality
Game Scenerio Objective: Hunt TREASURE Environment Characters(Virtual & Real) Treasure steps and foods Calorie Value Allergic and Vegeterian Characters Steps passed with puzzles
Puzzle Sample 1775 yılında halkının yirmide birinden fazlasını İngilizlere sığır tarifesi üzerinden satan ve bundan gümrük bedeli de alan Fransız Krali kimdir? a)III.Napolyon b)II. Friedrich c)15. Louis d)I.Pepin
Game Concept and Features Easy to play Extensibility Enjoyable Modular(Object Oriented) Realistic Easy-to-develop (Game Scripting)
Modules and Engines Graphical User Interface Game Engine Input Module Menu Module Artificial Intelligence Engine
Modules and Engines contd. Graphics Engine Network Module Audio Module Chat Module
Modules and Engines Game Engine Graphics Input mouse&keyboard AI Audio speaker monitor Network audio resource Chat puzzle database
Graphical User Interface
Game Engine Core module of the game. Coordination and syncronization of submodules. Game state coordination.
Input Handler Module Mouse Keyboard Frame Listener(binded with graphic engine)
Menu Module a)Game Main Menu b) In Game Menu c) Game Pause Menu
Game Main Menu
Game Pause Menu
In Game Menu
Artificial Intelligence Engine Virtual Players Step related puzzles Food and avarage calorie balance
Graphic Engine Rendering operations during the game according to user input and feedbacks from game engine. Camera Engine Animations(smooth motion)
Network Module
Why UDP? Why not TCP?
Network Module UDP(User Datagram Protocol ) Advantages: Efficiency Disadvantages: Packages needs to be ordered(timestamping) Resend Method Security
Server&Client Game Client Game Client Network Module Game Client Game Server Database Schema Read&Update Schema Game data
Audio Module Session sound tracks Environment sound effects
Chat Module Functionality: Conversation with other players in real time. Predefined sound effects can be send Such as :” Yeah I have found". Aim: Much more enjoyable game
Special thanks to... Burçin Sapaz Aysun Başçetinçelik Kitlesel Yazılım Bilen Yavuz Palmax Studio for valuable contributions.