TOPIC 1 Number Sense 4.2B Represent the value of the digit in whole numbers through 1,000,000,000 (I billion) and decimals to the hundredths using expanded notation and numbers. 4.2C Compare and order whole numbers to 1,000,000,000 (I Billion) and represent comparisons using the symbols >,<, or =. TEKS 4.2B TEKS 4.2C
Place Value and Comparing 4.2B I CAN……… Name the value of a digit to the billions place and the decimals to hundredths place and use expanded notation. 4.2C I CAN…… Compare and order whole numbers to the billions place using symbols >,<,or =. VOCABULARY Standard form Period Expanded form Word form Tenths Hundredths Decimal point VOCABULARY Compare Greatest Least Equal *(mean,median,mode, range, average?)
Topic 1-1 Thousands Topic 1-2 Millions Topic 1-3 Comparing and Ordering Whole numbers BIG IDEA…… A number can be written in standard form using digits only, Expanded form by writing the sum of the value of the digits, Word form using periods from a place value chart. Place value can be used to compare and order numbers.
Place value blocks and number lines
SEE VIDEO 1-1,2,3 FOR 2 Column notes
Money is a good model for decimals Topic 1-4 Money and Decimals Topic 1-5 Decimal Place Value Topic 1-6 Comparing and Ordering Decimals BIG IDEA…… Money is a good model for decimals Whole numbers and decimals can be associated with points on a number line. Place value of decimals can be used to compare and order numbers.
100 blocks = 100 pennies
SEE VIDEO 1-4 FOR 2 Column Notes
SEE VIDEO 1-5 FOR 2 Column notes
Topic 1-6 Comparing and Ordering Decimals
SEE VIDEO 1-6 FOR 2 Column notes
Source: Pearson Education, Inc., Copyright 2009