Distributed Professional Learning Opportunity Developed by ERLC/ARPDC as a result of a grant from Alberta Education to support implementation
Session Two WELCOME Mapping Backwards
“Okay, we’ve done the team-building, brainstorming and buy-in. Does anybody remember why?”
We will: Consider new ways to think about both task and relational outcomes for group work. Explore templates for clarifying outcomes and their connection to process design In this Session
Leading with Purpose Name some examples of topics/tasks you are working on with your groups that require thoughtful planning.
The Group Leader’s Design Mind p.20
Task To revise the middle school math curriculum. The Purpose The purpose is...
Task To revise the middle school math curriculum. The Purpose To establish aligned concepts and sequenced skills that ensure math success for all middle school learners. The purpose is...
The Purpose p. 21 Create a purpose statement for each example. Word Bank ensure, promote, assure, maximize, optimize, empower, guarantee, sustain, establish, enrich
TASK 1.To prepare a bullying prevention plan The Purpose p. 21 Create a purpose statement for each example. Word Bank ensure, promote, assure, maximize, optimize, empower, guarantee, sustain, establish, enrich
TASK 1.To prepare a bullying prevention plan 2.To develop school wide common assessments The Purpose p. 21 Create a purpose statement for each example. Word Bank ensure, promote, assure, maximize, optimize, empower, guarantee, sustain, establish, enrich
Application Draft a purpose statement for you’re an upcoming task you anticipate working on with a group or team. 5 minutes
The Group Leader’s Design Mind p.20
Task Outcomes Require clarity of RESULTS for ProductsPerformances/skill setsDecisions Which require these ACTIONS ImplementTransferDesist Which require appropriate levels of KNOWLEDGE DeclarativeProceduralConditional To achieve results Task Outcomes p. 24
Clarify your understanding of task outcomes result action knowledge Share your examples of result outcomes product performance decision Task Groups
Task Outcomes Require clarity of RESULTS for ProductsPerformances/skill setsDecisions Which require these ACTIONS ImplementTransferDesist Which require appropriate levels of KNOWLEDGE DeclarativeProceduralConditional To achieve results Task Outcomes p. 24
p. 24 Task Outcomes Require clarity of RESULTS for ProductsPerformances/skill setsDecisions Which require these ACTIONS ImplementTransferDesist Which require appropriate levels of KNOWLEDGE DeclarativeProceduralConditional To achieve results Context: A new math curriculum has been developed. You are a resource teacher charged with its successful implementation in your schools.
p. 24 Task Outcomes Require clarity of RESULTS for ProductsPerformances/skill setsDecisions Which require these ACTIONS ImplementTransferDesist Which require appropriate levels of KNOWLEDGE DeclarativeProceduralConditional To achieve results Purpose: To promote equity and opportunity for success in a diverse population of math learners. Task Outcomes:
p. 24 Task Outcomes Require clarity of RESULTS for ProductsPerformances/skill setsDecisions Which require these ACTIONS ImplementTransferDesist Which require appropriate levels of KNOWLEDGE DeclarativeProceduralConditional To achieve results Purpose: To promote equity and opportunity for success in a diverse population of math learners. Task Outcomes:
p. 24 Task Outcomes Require clarity of RESULTS for ProductsPerformances/skill setsDecisions Which require these ACTIONS ImplementTransferDesist Which require appropriate levels of KNOWLEDGE DeclarativeProceduralConditional To achieve results Context: You are a principal leading cross department teams to decide which graphic organizers will be taught at which grade levels.
p. 24 Task Outcomes Require clarity of RESULTS for ProductsPerformances/skill setsDecisions Which require these ACTIONS ImplementTransferDesist Which require appropriate levels of KNOWLEDGE DeclarativeProceduralConditional To achieve results Purpose: To maximize collaborative engagement to align instructional strategies for greater student achievement. Task Outcomes: Session One:
p. 24 Task Outcomes Require clarity of RESULTS for ProductsPerformances/skill setsDecisions Which require these ACTIONS ImplementTransferDesist Which require appropriate levels of KNOWLEDGE DeclarativeProceduralConditional To achieve results Purpose: Task Outcomes: Session Two: To maximize collaborative engagement to align instructional strategies for greater student achievement.
p. 24 Task Outcomes Require clarity of RESULTS for ProductsPerformances/skill setsDecisions Which require these ACTIONS ImplementTransferDesist Which require appropriate levels of KNOWLEDGE DeclarativeProceduralConditional To achieve results Context: You are working with a PLC to create classroom-based formative assessments. Exercise: Given the purpose statement developed earlier -- Develop your first session outcomes.
What are some ways you would describe the relationship between Purpose, Outcomes and Process? Verbal Rehearsal The Group Leader’s Design Mind Construct a verbal rehearsal with your partner.
The Group Leader’s Design Mind p.20
Relational Knowledge Outcomes Skill Outcomes Disposition Outcomes Relational Outcomes p. 27
Relational Knowledge Outcomes SelfOthers Effective Groups Skill Outcomes Disposition Outcomes Listening for understanding Verbal & nonverbal tools Assessment and feedback Valuing cognitive conflict Investing in mutual prof. learning Taking responsibility Relational Outcomes p. 27
Relational Knowledge Outcomes SelfOthers Effective Groups Skill Outcomes Disposition Outcomes Listening for understanding Verbal & nonverbal tools Assessment and feedback Valuing cognitive conflict Investing in mutual prof. learning Taking responsibility What are some relational skills that you want to develop in your groups? Relational Outcomes
What are some things that are becoming clearer to you about Reflection The Group Leader’s Design Mind Be specific
Thank you Next webinar: Jan 30 Structuring for Success 12-1 pm