SWBAT describe the ages of various people, acquire all forms of –are verbs in order to discuss leisure activities in different seasons.


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Presentation transcript:

SWBAT describe the ages of various people, acquire all forms of –are verbs in order to discuss leisure activities in different seasons.

Ripassiamo il compito Quiz corrections due today! SWBAT describe the ages of various people, acquire all forms of –are verbs in order to discuss leisure activities in different seasons.

il compito Textbook p. 28 A and B all Quiz on nationalities and subject pronouns- Wednesday SWBAT describe the ages of various people, acquire all forms of –are verbs in order to discuss leisure activities in different seasons.

I verbi regolari: -are SWBAT describe the ages of various people, acquire all forms of –are verbs in order to discuss leisure activities in different seasons.

-are verbs parlare means to speak stem: parl- (io) parlo (tu) parli (lui/lei) parla (noi) parliamo (voi) parlate (loro) parlano conjugation: SWBAT describe the ages of various people, acquire all forms of –are verbs in order to discuss leisure activities in different seasons.

I verbi: le attività nel tempo libero Sciare-to ski Sciare-to ski Andare in campania/ Andare in campania/ al museo- to go to the countryside/museum Nuotare- to swim Nuotare- to swim Giocare al calcio- to play soccer Giocare al calcio- to play soccer Pattinare- to skate Pattinare- to skate Fare un pupazzo di neve- Fare un pupazzo di neve- to make a snowman Pattinare sul ghiaccio- ice Pattinare sul ghiaccio- iceskate Fare campeggio- to go camping Fare campeggio- to go camping Camminare- to walk Camminare- to walk Fare una passeggiata- to take Fare una passeggiata- to take a walk Mangiare il gelato- to eat Mangiare il gelato- to eat Ice cream Fare un picnic- to have a picnic Fare un picnic- to have a picnic SWBAT describe the ages of various people, acquire all forms of –are verbs in order to discuss leisure activities in different seasons.

In quale stagione fai le attività? SWBAT describe the ages of various people, acquire all forms of –are verbs in order to discuss leisure activities in different seasons.

Le stagioni! __________ La primavera L’estate L’autunno L’inverno SWBAT describe the ages of various people, acquire all forms of –are verbs in order to discuss leisure activities in different seasons.

Il dolce  Puoi scrivere 2 attività che ti piace  Puoi scrivere 2 attività che non ti piace SWBAT describe the ages of various people, acquire all forms of –are verbs in order to discuss leisure activities in different seasons.

Da fare ora: Leisure verbs and subject pronouns- interwrite Oggi è il ventuno ottobre SWBAT match the leisure activities with the people that do them, acquire leisure activity verb vocabulary in order to categorize what activities are done during different seasons.

Ripassiamo il compito Textbook p. 28 A and B all SWBAT match the leisure activities with the people that do them, acquire leisure activity verb vocabulary in order to categorize what activities are done during different seasons.

il compito Quiz on nationalities and subject pronouns- tomorrow SWBAT describe the ages of various people, acquire all forms of –are verbs in order to discuss leisure activities in different seasons.

I verbi: le attività nel tempo libero- parte II Guardare Guardare Comprare Comprare disegnare disegnare Parlare Parlare Viaggiare Viaggiare Navigare su internet Navigare su internet Festeggiare Festeggiare Ballare Ballare Suonare uno strumento Suonare uno strumento Ascoltare la musica Ascoltare la musica Cucinare Cucinare cantare cantare Riposare Riposare aiutare aiutare SWBAT match the leisure activities with the people that do them, acquire leisure activity verb vocabulary in order to categorize what activities are done during different seasons.

Fate una lista di cinque cose che fai (nella forma io) nelle varie stagioni! La primaveraL’autunnoL’estateL’inverno SWBAT match the leisure activities with the people that do them, acquire leisure activity verb vocabulary in order to categorize what activities are done during different seasons.

Ripassiamo… La primaveraL’autunnoL’estateL’inverno SWBAT match the leisure activities with the people that do them, acquire leisure activity verb vocabulary in order to categorize what activities are done during different seasons.