The LibQual+ CUL Assessment Working Group Jeff Carroll Joanna DiPasquale Joel Fine Andy Moore Nick Patterson Jennifer Rutner Chengzhi Wang January 14, 2008 Columbia University Libraries Assessment Forum
What is LibQual+? LibQual+ is an online survey developed by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) to measure user perceptions of library service quality.
What is LibQual+? 22 core survey items –Library as Place –Affect of Service –Information Control Comment box 5 additional “local” items
What is LibQual+? Users rate each item three times, on scales of 1-9: Minimum level of acceptable service Desired level of service Actual/perceived level of services provided Comments can be about anything the user wants to tell us.
Library as Place This category addresses aspects of our physical library spaces. “Library space that inspires study and learning.” “Quiet space for individual activities.”
Affect of Service Questions in this category refer to the “personal touch” staff add to the library. “Giving users individual attention.” “Employees who understand the needs of their users.”
Information Control These questions are about users access to and use of physical and electronic information at the library. “A website enabling me to locate information on my own.” “The journals I require for my work.”
Why LibQual+? Increasing need for accountability Information for planning/trend analysis Peer institution comparisons Marketing/relationship building Improve library services! Valid, tested reliable instrument
The Staff Perspective LibQual+ is not about criticism. LibQual+ is a great opportunity to learn more about library users and maintain the Libraries’ relevance on campus.
The Details When: Feb , 2009 Who: ALL Morningside campus faculty, enrolled students, and CUL/IS staff How: A link to the survey will be ed to eligible participants
The Goodies First prize: 1 flat screen TV Runners-up: $25 gift cards for **CUL/IS staff are not eligible for incentives.
LibQual+ Website Provides links to: –The LibQual+ Survey (UNI login required) –FAQ about LibQual+ –Results of 2003 and 2006 LibQual+ surveys –Other feedback mechanisms for library users who do not have a valid UNI, such as “Suggestions”
2006 LibQual+ Results LibQual+ scores tell us about our users priorities, what they think we are good at, and areas where we could improve.
LibQual+ Scores Superiority Gap Adequacy Gap Desired Minimum Perceived
2006 Priorities: Highest “Desired” Scores Faculty Priorities Graduate Priorities Undergraduate Priorities Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office A library Web site enabling me to locate information on my own Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office A library Web site enabling me to locate information on my own Modern equipment that lets me easily access needed information
2006 Top Performing Areas Highest “Perceived” Scores Faculty Top Areas Graduate Top Areas Undergraduate Top Areas Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office Easy-to-use access tools that allow me to find things on my own Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work The electronic information resources I need Making information easily accessible for independent use Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work Modern equipment that lets me easily access needed information Readiness to respond to users' questions
Weaknesses 2006 : Furthest from Meeting Users’ Desired Expectations Faculty Weaknesses Graduate Weaknesses Undergraduate Weaknesses Dependability in handling users' service problems Library space that inspires study and learning Quiet space for individual activities A library Web site enabling me to locate information on my own Quiet space for individual activities Library space that inspires study and learning Employees who instill confidence in users A library Web site enabling me to locate information on my own
Weaknesses 2006: Does Not Meet Or Barely Meets Users’ Minimum Needs Faculty Weaknesses Graduate Weaknesses Undergraduate Weaknesses Dependability in handling users' service problems Quiet space for individual activities A library Web site enabling me to locate information on my own Library space that inspires study and learning Making information easily accessible for independent use Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work Library space that inspires study and learning
The Big Picture Tool LibQual+ looks at the entire library system We will work with each library to understand the results
How can staff help? Staff can: –Fill out the survey! –Distribute marketing materials –Read the FAQ about LibQual+ –Direct users to the LibQual+ website –Refer users to the –Encourage users to take the survey!
Contact the AWG:
Learn more about LibQual+ –Learn how LibQual+ was developed and tested –Check out the FAQ –Find extensive bibliographies of LibQual+ articles –Watch a video introduction to LibQual+:
Photos courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons.