Module 2.4 Workforce Transition Planning and Tool March 16-18
This module will... Provide participants with guidelines for creating a transition plan Introduce a workforce transition tracking tool Provide the opportunity to use the tool (while we are here to help)
Workforce Transition Plan Process
What is a workforce transition plan? A document that assists an organization in preparing employees for a new way of doing business in a timely and effective manner A tool that can help you: –ensure all employees are trained at the right time in the correct subjects –track your agency’s efforts in meeting business case targets –map employees to new roles –track employees transition activity whether to a new position or changes in existing position A checklist of items that need to occur with associated dates
The Guidelines are in your handouts The guidelines are under the Sample Plan tab and are on Disk 1 (file WT_Plan.doc) Step 1 of the Guidebook provides assistance for completing and using the plan There are ten action items in the plan supported by the tool and the guidebook. Each action item has a description or a “how to”, a recommended date for completion, and a column for “assigned to” and “status”.
Illustration of the plan
Overview of the plan 3. Develop agency transition strategy 1. Meet and establish process with managers 6. Complete roles and training identification for remaining employees 7. Identify potential consolidation areas 8. Train remaining employees 9. Develop new PDs 10. Prepare reports 5. Validate names in As-Is worksheet 2. Identify workforce transition categories 4. Complete identifying employees who need to use MARS by July 1st
TOOL for Workforce Transition Planning
The Workforce Transition Tracking Tool is a: Management tool to ensure that all potential employees are considered for training, new roles, and necessary communications Mechanism for tracking employees whether transitioned to another position or taking on new responsibilities You do not nee to submit the completed tool
Characteristics of the tool Excel Spreadsheet Populated by data from As-Is information Tailored tool for each agency Shaded columns require no data entry - they are preprogrammed Four worksheets with two supporting reference worksheets
Workforce Transition Tracking and Planning Tool As-Is Information To-Be Roles Training Redeploy/ Transition Courses Roles List
Things to know about the as-is information worksheet Pre-populated from the as-is data sent in by your agency May require some additions or deletions given changes within your agency Should be made to reflect vacant positions Each file should be by Department/Office May not include additional activities added by the agency in some instances As-Is Information
As-is Information Worksheet Name A I AR BI BP BQ To validate or change an employee's as-is personnel information, click on the plus sign above + + To view the as-is activities that made up the total, please click on the plus sign above Personnel Information Financial Mgt. Total Material Mgt. Total Other Total ++ Uses KAPS or STARS?
Things to know about the To-Be Roles Worksheet To-Be Roles Name will copy from as-is worksheet Cells that are white require you to enter information Several cells have a drop down box with a choice that you can enter, including the roles list. Most cells have an on-line note indicating how the data should be entered (e.g., 12/01/1999) The last worksheet tab lists all of the roles. A hard copy of this list is in your Guidebook under Step 4
Illustration of the To-Be Roles Worksheet Name A B C D AI AJ AK AL AM Will this Individual Use MARS? When? Administrative Service role in the future? Role Identification May this employee require redeployment? Anticipated Transition Date May this employee retire in the next 3 years? Anticipated retirement date? + To select roles for an employee, please click on the plus sign above and select as many roles as applicable If the employee uses STARS or KAPS; is in a field or program area that will in the future initiate process, approve docs. choose yes This column will probably not be applicable until after December 1999
Process for completing the To-Be roles worksheet. Step 1 Determine Potential MARS usage and timing If employee currently uses KAPS or STARS If employee currently initiates, processes, or approves a paper document that eventually is entered in STARS or KAPS Indicate whether July 1999 or later Administrative Role in Future? Based upon the role definitions, the activities that are going away, and agency choice, will this employee continue to have an administrative service role(s). Enter yes, no, or maybe Role Identification Using the as- is/to-be maps, identify the role or roles the employee will likely have in the future. You can select up to ten roles. If you want, you can indicate when the individual should adopt the role and provide additional comments Step 2Step 3Step 4 Potential for Redeployment If the employee will not have an administrative role in the future they may be a candidate for redeployment. Similarly, if their job is one where activities are going away or will become more efficient, they may be a candidate Step 5 Retire in Next Three Years? If candidate is likely to retire in the next three years or is even a candidate (20+ years today), indicate yes. This available position, may help with consolidation of activities Also, position may be critical to administrative services
Things to know about the training worksheet Training Name will copy from as-is worksheet Cells that are white require you to enter information Provides opportunity to track current and future MARS and other Administrative Services training needs and the date they were taken Drop down boxes have the MARS training modules pre- programmed Can select up to 10 training courses for an individual
Illustration of the worksheet Name A B C D AI AJ If you need to enter courses, please click on the plus sign above Require MARS Training Prior to July 1, Additional Training Needs Ever require MARS Training? When? Course Identification Please identify additional training needs such as Statewide budget process, customer service, performance management accounting, etc. If this employee is anticipated to need MARS training in the next 18 months - enter yes
Process for completing the Training Worksheet. Step 1 Require MARS Training Prior to 7/1/99? If employee will use MARS as of July 1, 1999 per Column B of the To-Be Roles Worksheet enter yes Potential MARS Training in Future Based on when the new administrative roles are implemented, will this employee need MARS training in the next 18 months? Enter yes, no, or maybe Enter expected training date post July 1, 1999 Course Identification Using the role templates and course list, identify the MARS course or courses the employee will likely require. You can select up to ten courses. If you want, indicate the course date and provide additional comments. Step 2Step 3Step 4 Additional Training Needs If the employee will require additional training needs such as Statewide budget process, customer service, or accounting, enter these courses here.
Things to know about the Redeploy/Transition Worksheet The worksheet can help plan for a smoother transition for employees Data from this worksheet may be requested by your Cabinet Secretary at a later date As with the other worksheets, the colored cells will be pre- populated from other worksheets Cells that are white require you to enter information Your agency’s personnel officer should complete and maintain this worksheet Redeploy/ Transition
Illustration of the Redeploy/Transition Worksheet Name A B C H I J K L S T May this employee require redeployment? Anticipated Transition Date New Position Tracking + Meeting with Personnel Cabinet? For details about the employee’s current class title, code, salary, and grade click the plus sign Position Information Special Needs Length of Service Date employee informed of redeployment + Placed? Please list any special placement needs that may need to be considered for this employee
Process for completing the Redeploy/ Transition Worksheet. Step 1 Position Information Provides details about the employee’s current class title, code, salary, and grade. Special Needs List any special placement needs that may need to be considered for this employee. Length of Service Enter the beginning date (month, day, year) of service for the employee. Enter the date the employee was informed of the redeployment need. Enter the date of the meeting with the Personnel or Workforce Transition Team Step 2Step 3Step 4 New Position Tracking Enter details concerning new position opportunities for the employee, including: class title, class code, grade, interview date, results/ comments, salary and the date the employee start s in the new position. Step 5 Placed? Enter the date (month, day, year) that the employee is successfully placed in a new position.
Additional tabs... Courses Roles List The last two worksheets have supporting information One worksheet has the list of courses for MARS. This worksheet is in Guidebook2. The list corresponds with the information you received in your curriculum handbook The other worksheet has a list of all of the roles. This list is also in Guidebook2.
Using the Tool A brief exercise has been prepared to help acquaint you with the tool The exercise instructions are in your handouts under the green “Guidebook” tab. The tool with the sample data is a file on the laptops. It is on the desktop. Take about 20 minutes to work through the exercise at your tables.
Creating your agency’s transition strategy Take 15 minutes to outline what steps your agency needs to take to help plan for a smoother transition of its administrative services employees Use the tool presented in this module, the guidebook, and the sample plan Maybe even create an outline for your agency’s transition strategy We will reconvene to exchange thoughts and ideas with one another
Course Evaluation Please take five-ten minutes to complete the course evaluation We will be offering this course over the next two days and your feedback will help us make appropriate mid-course corrections
Have a great day!!!!!