Public Policy that Matters for FCS Education: Mandates and Related Resources for Strengthening and Promoting Family and Consumer Sciences Education
Traditional Focus – CTE Legislation FCS Education has historically been funded under federal vocational education/ career & technical education legislation Currently operates as allowable use under the Carl D. Perkins Act of 1998 – slated to be reauthorized in summer 2006 Reauthorization to focus on: accountability for outcomes, academic as well as vocational achievement, career pathways
Retaining CTE Funding Continued Perkins funding will require quantitative evidence of program outcomes and not just anecdotal descriptions Need to collect tangible facts about student and program outcomes and share them with local, state, national policymakers: graduation rates, college attendance, test score gains, earnings.
Utilize Other Public Policies to Build Support for FCE Programming Financial Literacy School Wellness Policies Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Healthy Marriage Initiative Pregnant and Parenting Student Policies Policies on Shaken Baby Syndrome
Financial Literacy The National Council on Economic Education reports that 38 states (76%) now have personal finance standards or guidelines 21 states require them to be implemented 8 states require a course to be offered; 7 states require a course for graduation State-by-state information can be found in: Survey of the States: Economic and Personal Finance Education
School Wellness Policies P.L – Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 requires all school districts with federally funded school meal programs to develop and implement wellness policies by the academic school year
School Wellness Policies, con’t Wellness policies must include goals for nutrition education, physical activity, nutrition guidelines for school meals and availability of other foods at school State-by-state health & nutrition policies available at: Education Commission of the States See also:
Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Sexuality education laws vary greatly among states, although the federal government has spent $1Billion promoting abstinence-only approaches since 1982 Many states have guidelines for what must be included in sexuality education and how, if it is taught (e.g., an abstinence-only approach, medically accurate information, and parent permission) Many states require specific instruction on prevention of HIV/AIDS
Sexual and Reproductive Health Education, con’t State-by-state listing of policies and guidelines can be found at the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States Monthly state policy updates on sexuality education and reproductive health and numerous resources, including a Powerpoint presentation on need for sexuality education, can be found at the Guttmacher Institute
Healthy Marriage Initiative Included as part of the 2005 reauthorization of TANF legislation (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families – Welfare Reform), signed Feb. 8, Authorizes $150 million to “help couples gain greater access to services… necessary to form and sustain a healthy marriage.”
Healthy Marriage, cont. Up to $50 million may be used to encourage responsible fatherhood Funds may be used for 8 activities including high school education on the value of marriage. More information is available from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children & Families
Education for Pregnant and/or Parenting Students State policies vary widely from no policy to requiring local districts to provide special teenage parent programs Several states that do not require special programs provide funding for districts that offer them A state-by-state listing of policies can be found at the National Association of State Boards of Education website 20&%20Parenting.html 20&%20Parenting.html
Policies Related to Shaken Baby Syndrome The Skipper Initiative (Shaking Kills: Instead Parents Please Educate and Remember) is promoting education programs and policies to prevent SBS Efforts have resulted in legislation in 7 states requiring education for high school and middle school students on shaken baby syndrome (Wisconsin, Nebraska, New York, Missouri, Illinois, Minnesota, Pennsylvania)
Shaken Baby Syndrome, cont. U.S. Senate adopted a resolution designating the third week of April as the National SBS Awareness Week; House action on a counterpart bill is pending For more information see:
Implications: Existing policies can be used to advocate for expanded role of FCS Education Policies in one location can be used to advocate for similar mandates/guidelines in other states/localities
Developed by: Wendy L. Way Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs University of Wisconsin - Madison