INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS FURNITURE ASSEMBLED AT POINT OF USE? Assembly is the putting together of manufactured parts to make a completed product. This assembly can be done either at the point of use, or at the point of purchase. The furniture may be made of wood, metal or even plastic depending on ones’ preference. Most furniture that are assembled at the point of use are usually either Too bulky to transport as one unit Fragile and hence need extra care and caution to avoid breakage
HOW IT WORKS: Once the furniture is purchased, it is transported as parts to the point of use. It is then put together using nails, bolts or even glue. Some designs may require a specific furniture layout design so that it conforms to the region it is allocated for, and hence may require special designing. Depending on the type of furniture, it may be simple to install, and hence come with a manual for installation, whilst others may require a special team to set it up. All in all, the process is simple and saves on time and energy as it is only generally assembly work being done.
EXAMPLES OF SUCH FURNITURE: The list is endless. Think of any furniture and what comes into your mind is purpose, design, assembly and aesthetic value. Examples of such are: Living room cabinets and Shelves Kitchen Cabinets Bedroom cabinets Beds and Bed cabinets Storage cabinets Washroom Cabinets
A living room is meant for relaxation, not preserving, so it needs to be made comfortable and friendly to be in. Before designing living room furniture, one has to have thought about the following: Is it going to be reserved for entertaining guests or is it going to be a family room as well? Is it going to double as a dining room? Will it be used for reading or playing games or watching television? If you have pets, will they be allowed in it? Then think about the kind of furniture you will require for the proposed activities.
In this family-friendly living room the sofas are done away with, and instead optimized the space with plush rugs, loads of pillows and wall storage. That way, the floor is free for the favorite activities of every family member.
The kitchen is where all the food preparation and some storage of food stuffs take place. Due to the nature of the activities that take place, designs have been developed to cater for these activities. Kitchen cabinets have been designed to aid in the storage of the kitchen facilities. These cabinets can either be bought and assembled at their point of use, or designed and put up. Several factors are put into consideration some being: size of kitchen, size of goods to be stored, aesthetic value desired.
For our favorite room in the house, storage is also important. Cabinets and wardrobes have been designed to accommodate the storage of clothes, and bed sheets.
Most beds are assembled at their point of use. It is one of the most important component in a house. Assembly is mostly done using bolts, as they are easy to screw and unscrew. This eases the work when it comes to bringing it down and setting it up. Some beds come with cabinets for storage space, as adapted by most people. Before designing a bed, some of the key factors to put in to consideration are: number of people going to use the bed and space available for use.
The new MALM bed frame with storage turns wasted space into storage space. The gas piston and spring system makes lifting the bed a breeze. So one doesn’t have to be super strong to get super storage.
Day bed It is a sofa by day and bed at night. They have built-in drawers to store duvets and pillows.
Storage cabinets are important for soring things that we use on a regular basis hence require easy access and those that are needed occasionally for example wine cellars. The cabinets can be assembled into their own compartments or could be put against a wall right from the floor or above the floor level. Different parts like shelves and doors are brought together then joint together in the intended positions. They are majorly assembled using bolts and nails but glue could also be used. Style and texture are picked considering the spaces that host them so as to blend in. Once done, the cabinets can be used in storing anything from old utensils to toys for children.
Just like the storage cabinets, washroom cabinets are important for storing things that are needed specifically for the washrooms. They include things like medication, detergents and ointments. They too are brought in as individual components and put together to compose a whole storage unit for the washroom. In order for the cabinets to blend in with the existing washroom design, their materials, texture and style must be consciously decided upon. Their installation process is similar to the other cabinets.
Wall cabinets are like all other cabinets except that they are intended to be put up against walls. They can be put against walls in any space of the house to suit the residents’ needs. They can be of any shape, color and texture but still need to blend in with the rest of the space. Different spaces require different wall cabinets since all have different uses. Their sizes depend on the things that are likely to be stored I them when used in the various spaces. They could left open or closed, again depending on what they are used to store.