? freely adapted from Tulsa Community College- Engaged Student Programming
Remember Define Repeat Name List State Describe Recall MemorizeLabel Match Identify Record Show understanding Give examples Restate Discuss Express Rewrite Recognize Explain Report Review Locate Find Paraphrase Tell Extend Summarize Generalize
Differentiate Relate Solve Pretend Interpret Analyze Practice Debate Experiment Distinguish Infer Change Examine Prepare Illustrate Discover Contrast Compute Translate Question Demonstrate Categorize Use Criticize Operate Imply Dramatize Diagram Compare
Conclude Rate Decide Solve Support Model Summarize Judge Estimate Explain Prove Multiple solutions Justify Check Measure Select Teach Evaluate Choose Value Predict Assess Real-life Hypothesize Apply
Level 1 answers can be found in the text or lecture notes; you can find an answer and put your finger on it. Level 2 answers require comprehension and knowledge, and then you have to think to come up with the answer. Level 3 answers require you to use your knowledge to create a new idea or object.
Level 1 = BOOK Level 2 = BOOK + BRAIN Level 3 = BRAIN
The previous slide took the ideas of Costa’s Levels of Questioning and restructured them into formulas, like in math. Which level of thinking was required to put the information into a different format?