Go to ‘Site Actions’ ‘View All Site Content ‘View All Site Content’
Click Create
Click Survey
Name the survey appropriately “no” on Quick Launch and Show user names “Yes” to allow multiple responses When you click next it will take you to the first question.
For the typical question: The Type of question will be ‘Rating Scale’ ‘no’ on require a response “Rating” in the text box “Disagree- Neutral- Agree” for range text.
After entering all the questions you would like on your new survey there will be two more items to add before you click “finish”.
Please add the following into the Comment box, select ‘Multiple Lines of Text’, default on the next options and then click next.
For the last item add Today’s Date Check ‘Date and Time’ YES on require a response ‘Date Only’ ‘Today’s Date’ And then click Finish
Next click on ‘Permissions for this survey’
Drop down the Actions arrow and click ‘Edit Permissions’ Click ‘OK’ on pop up window And then click ‘Anonymous Access’
Check the box “Add Items’ and then OK
Click on ‘Settings’
Now click on ‘Advanced Settings’ Check ‘No’ in the Allow Items to appear in search results and then OK
Click on the Name of your survey toward the top of the page.
Go to ‘Site Actions – View All Site Content’
Drop down the arrow next to NEW and click ‘Page’
Name the page the same as your survey. Pick ‘Webpart’ page and then Create
Click on the your newly created page. From ‘Site Actions’ click ‘Edit Page’
Click on Add a Web Part Then Chose your new Survey from the list and click ‘Add’
Add the “how would you rate your recent experience…” text followed by “Begin the survey” ?
Right-Click ‘Respond to this Survey’ and copy shortcut’.
Highlight ‘Begin the Survey’ and click the Hyperlink button. Paste the shortcut into the box and click OK
Close the web part And then ‘Publish and Check In
From this page copy the URL. This will be the address for your survey. The link you can use in s and any webpage you’d like it on. Then click on ‘Begin the survey’
Here you can double check your questions and see how the survey looks. Click Finish.
Click ‘Site Actions’ and ‘Edit Page’
Click on ‘Add A Web Part’
Check ‘Content Editor Web Part’ and then Add.
Click ‘Edit’ on the new Web Part and click ‘Modify Shared Web Part’
Add these two lines after clicking Source Editor, then Save and then click OK on the Content Editor window.
Click ‘Edit’ and ‘Modify Shared Web Part’ on the survey part. Expand layout and check “hidden” then OK
Click on ‘Exit Edit Mode’
That finishes up the survey. This is the screen you will see after completing the survey,
To Locate Survey URL: Log on to Website Go to City Departments Select Manage Content from Site Actions
Click on the Pages Folder
From the list of surveys, find yours and either click on the name, OR, select Open Link in New Window from drop down menu
This is the page that users need to be directed to begin the survey, so the URL in the address box is the URL you want to copy to make a Hyperlink
To Locate Survey Responses: Log on to Website Go to City Departments Select Manage Content from Site Actions
Click on Open Link in New Window from your survey’s drop down menu
On the Thank You page, Select Edit Page from Site Actions Menu
Three methods of viewing results; Export to Spreadsheet View RSS Feed Show a Graphical Summary of Responses