8.50 Doors open, vital daily grouped phonics sessions start at 9.00am. Please do not arrive late as your child will not only miss an important part of their day, but disrupt other children’s learning also! 3.15 Collection time Infant children must be brought to their class’ entrance by an adult and collected by an adult. Parents are responsible for their supervision before and after the school day, as the Infant Yard is not supervised by a member of staff. On wet mornings we will endeavour to open doors at Please ensure your child is wearing correct school uniform and footwear. Teaching staff are available after school most afternoons, except Tuesday and Wednesday. Book an appointment by ringing the office, should you require more than a brief chat, or require more privacy.
Routines Fruit money (£1) should be sent in every Monday in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name. We are unable to provide this service free of charge, please do not be offended if we ask you for arrears! Dinner money should be sent in on a daily basis in a school purse clearly marked with your child’s name, £1.90. Any arrears slips for dinner should be returned with the sum in the child’s purse together with the slip, so that the account can be correctly credited.
Outdoor learning and activities have an important place in our curriculum. It is vital your child has wellies in school and that they are clearly marked with their name.
The Foundation Phase The Foundation Phase is a skills- based approach to learning for children from 3-7 years of age, that is, from Reception through to Year 2. The Foundation Phase places great emphasis on children learning by doing in a stimulating and secure environment. Children develop their understanding of the world around them, widening their experiences through play and active involvement. Practical and co-operative tasks are vital in developing and enhancing speaking and listening skills.
Personal & Social, Well Being & Cultural Diversity Language, Literacy & Communication Mathematical Development Physical Development Creative Development Welsh Language Development Knowledge & Understanding of The World Foundation Phase
Physical Development Please ensure your child has school PE kit (as per photo above), for both indoor and outdoor activities, every Monday. During the year we take part in gymnastics, dance, games and ball skills that develop control of gross motor skills. Should your child have any physical or medical condition, please inform me.
Language, Literacy and Communication Speaking and listening is at the heart of literacy and is highly valued. ‘Great talkers make great writers!’ Our aim is to create readers and writers that can communicate their ideas and wishes, using and applying their sound/spelling pattern knowledge for unfamiliar words. Throughout Infants we use the Letters and Sounds programme to deliver phonics and spelling patterns. We also use Jolly Phonics as a sensory vehicle for learning. Children will explore short sounds and long sounds such as, ai, ee, ie, oa, ue. As they progress through the programme they will encounter alternative spelling patterns, such as ay, ea, igh, ow, ew. Throughout they will develop an important bank of high frequency words, some of which you can sound, others that are ‘tricky’ words. We will send home weekly/fortnightly word lists for you to play games with. Once handwriting is well formed, we begin to develop a joined script.
Mathematical Development Our aim is to help children to develop an effective grasp of basic number processes, that they can then apply to practical problem solving situations.
Themes include: Autumn Nature detectives Magic and mystery Spring Fairy tales Castles Summer Life on the ocean wave
Learning Logs Our aims for homework continue to be: to develop a love of reading; to provide homework that follows on from the quality learning that takes place in the classroom; to provide homework that engages and motivates children, supports their learning and develops their curiosity; to provide homework that takes into account pupil voice; to present their ideas in their own chosen style, drawing, writing, pictures, photos, research, collage, etc…; to take pride in how they present their ideas.
Homework Bags Homework bags in on Wednesday Homework bags sent home on Friday Homework may include: a shared story, or a home reader and flashcards comments must be made in their reading record book, in order for your child to receive the next set of words or book should a book go missing, or become damaged you may not be entitled to any further books Please be aware that home readers are aimed at developing and practising banks of high frequency words only. We actively encourage you to read together and visit the library to share more high quality language books! Learning Logs books will be sent home frequently.
Trips Trips are organised and thoroughly enjoyed by the children. We do ask for a voluntary contribution, however if insufficient funds are received, trips may have to be cancelled, as school is unable to fund the whole cost.
Parent and School Link Opportunities Term 1:Meet the teacher; Open classroom visit an opportunity for you and your child to share their books and the classroom. End of term report on PSWBCD, LLC, MD and targets for the way forward. Term 2:1:1 Consultations to discuss previous targets. Term 3:Open classroom visit; End of year reports.
Home School Contracts Please ensure you check or complete these before you leave! They include vital information for us about your child and their needs.