Ensuring gender balance in the field of political association: standards and practices applied by political parties in Moldova The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) April 28, 1994 April 28, 1994 Article 4 Adoption by States Parties of temporary special measures aimed at accelerating de facto equality between men and women shall not be considered discrimination as defined in the present Convention, but shall in no way entail as a consequence the maintenance of unequal or separate standards; these measures shall be discontinued when the objectives of equality of opportunity and treatment have been achieved.
Ensuring gender balance in the field of political association: standards and practices applied by political parties in Moldova Millennium Development Goals Goal 3. Promote gender equality and empower women Increase the representation of women in decision-making positions. Increase the representation of women at the decision-making level from 26,5% in local councils in 2007 to 40% in 2015, from 13,2% in raion (district) councils in 2007 to 25% in 2015, from 18% women mayors in 2007 to 25% in 2015 and from 22% women in the parliament in 2005 to 30% in Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)17 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on gender equality standards and mechanisms (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on November 2007) 32. The existence and regular functioning of a parity democracy is also a guarantee that women’s and men’s interests and needs are fully taken into account in policy making and in the running of society. In achieving the goal of equal participation of women and men, a minimum participation rate of 40% for each sex is considered as the parity threshold to be attained.
Ensuring gender balance in the field of political association: standards and practices applied by political parties in Moldova Law on Political parties and other social-political organisations ( modified in 1998) [Paragraph 5, article.9(7) Political parties and other social –political organisations will promote the principle of equality between men and women in the decision-making positions at all levels. Violations of these conditions will bear responsibility under the law. [Paragraph 5, article.9(7) Political parties and other social –political organisations will promote the principle of equality between men and women in the decision-making positions at all levels. Violations of these conditions will bear responsibility under the law. 2 Social –political organisations : LDCFM and AFM LDCFM – participates in 2 electoral campaigns within Electoral Blocs, has 2 MP’s LDCFM – participates in 2 electoral campaigns within Electoral Blocs, has 2 MP’s AFM - participate individually and does not pass the electoral threshold No political party have had mechanisms for ensuring gender balance
Ensuring gender balance in the field of political association: standards and practices applied by political parties in Moldova Law on ensuring equal opportunities between men and women, article 7, No /2000 adopted on Article 7 Equality of chances in the electoral field, in the activity of political parties and other social-political organisations (1) Central Electoral Commission, councils and district electoral offices ensure the respect of the principle of equality between women and men in the elecotral field. (2) The political parties and other social-political organisations are obliged to contribuite to ensuring equal rights and opportunities among thier members, women and men by: a) Ensuring representation in the parties’ governing bodies of women and men; b) Ensuring representation on the candidates lists of women and men without discrimination
Ensuring gender balance in the field of political association: standards and practices applied by political parties in Moldova Law on political parties No. 294 adopted on Article.3 (6) Creation and activity of political parties based on racial nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, wealth and social origin discrimination is forbidden.. (6) Creation and activity of political parties based on racial nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, wealth and social origin discrimination is forbidden..
Promotion of rights and equal opportunities for women and men in Moldova: achievements, problems and perspectives Women: Represent more than half of the population of the Republic of Moldova – 51,8%; Education: Represent 51,2% out of the total number of pupils/students at the level of all forms of education; Study in colleges and universities in a bigger amount than men (59,9% in universities and 55,6% in colleges); Most fields of study chosen by women are education (70.6%), health (65.5%), arts and cinema (64.2%), economics (61.3%) and agriculture (51.8% );
Ensuring gender balance in the field of political association: standards and practices applied by political parties in Moldova Practices : Practices : Liberal Democratic party - Statute 1.9. Party calls for equal opportunities for both genders, promoting the quota of at least 30 percent representation within the governing bodies for women and men, as well as on the lists of candidates for elective positions. Christian Democratic People’s Party – Program Christian Democratic People’s Party – Program Equality between men and women 9. We recognize the right of each person to determine his fate. CDPP respects women's right to equally engage with men in political, social, professional, scientific, artistic and cultural life without any discrimination. We plead for de facto respect of women’s rights in other activities than house-related, for not allowing women discrimination in professional activities, to increase the role of women in all spheres, including politics and to promote women in government positions. CDPP has its own national organization of women that is taking care of implementing our policies regarding the rights and the role of women within the society.
Ensuring gender balance in the field of political association: standards and practices applied by political parties in Moldova Social Democratic Party - Statute Article 31. Social Democratic Party - Statute Article 31. Within the councils of all levels and in all eligible lists, there should be respected the representation of both genders proportionally to their influence within the party, but not less than one third (1/3). Within the councils of all levels and in all eligible lists, there should be respected the representation of both genders proportionally to their influence within the party, but not less than one third (1/3). The satutes of political parties are providing the principles of establishing women organisations within the party.
Ensuring gender balance in the field of political association: standards and practices applied by political parties in Moldova The first party that introduced the quota in the statute was the Social Liberal Party In the 2005 elections, 3 parties set the 30% minimum quota for both genders: Democratic Party, Social Liberal Party and Liberal party, since that moment only Democratic party (Diacov – president) and Social Liberal party (Serebrian – president) respected the 30% quota Liberal party led by V. Untila did not respect For the first time, the Christian Democrats applied the “zebra” (50/50) for compiling electoral lists.
Ensuring gender balance in the field of political association: standards and practices applied by political parties in Moldova Actions to influence the mentality regarding the role of women and men within the society ( educational system, political parties, civil society) (we will have to wait 40 years …) Develop mechanisms such as representation quotas for women and men in the decision-making bodies of political parties and electoral lists or something else. (according to the article 4 of CEDAW and according to the examples of the countries that have successful experience in this field)…
Ensuring gender balance in the field of political association: standards and practices applied by political parties in Moldova Why the participation of WOMEN is important for the decision-making process IS an indicator that shows the degree of democracy in the country Women and men have had different historical past, different experience Men’ political culture differ from women’ political culture To take correct decisions you need balanced representation of women and men in the decision-making bodies at all levels To honour our obligations assumed by ratifying CEDAW, Millennium Goals and other international documents.