Simply CIDR’s. Amy McLean & Wm. Graves University of Georgia
What is a CIDR? Intravaginal progesterone releasing device Nylon core with silicone rubber cover Easy application & removal Delivers natural progesterone (1.38 ng) Slow release 7 day duration Prevents estrus expression & induces cycles
CIDR Advantages: FDA Approved for dairy heifers Excellent retention rates Over the counter Possible Reuse Decrease Reproduction Costs
CIDR Support “Treatment with intravaginal Progesterone (CIDR) for 7 days increased the proportion of heifers that were in estrus (59% vs. 21% w/o insert) and formed functional CL (55% vs. 12% w/o) after insert removal.” “Synchrony of estrus functional CL formation was even greater in heifers that received a CIDR insert and EB on day 7.” S.K. Johnson et al., 1997, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS. Abs. Jrnl. Ani. Sci. 75:1.
CIDR Support continued “Conception rates are not reduced after estrus synchronization with CIDR and PG.” A.M. Richardson et al., Kansas State Univ. Abs. Jrnl. Ani. Sci. 84:1 “CIDRs can be used for resynchronizing heifers that do not become pregnant after first breeding by inserting the CIDR 13 days after breeding and leaving in for 7.” Bill Thatcher, Dairy Today, Apr
CIDR’s with other Treatments “Estradiol benzoate (EB) administered after CIDR insert and PG on day 7 increased conception rates in heifers.” C.L. Barnett et al., Abs. Am.Soc. Ani. Sci. Southern Sect. “Administration of EB at CIDR insertion increases TAI pregnancy rates for Angus & crossbred cows of Bos indicus influence.” G.A. Bridges et al. 2002, University of Florida Abs. Am. Soc. Of Ani. Sci. Southern Section.
CIDR’s and more Treatments “Use of estradiol cypionate (ECP) at 1 mg with CIDR increased return rate to estrus without affecting conception at the previous TAI and increased the 23 day pregnancy rate.” M.A. Medina-Britos et al., Abs. Jrnl. Ani. Sci. 84:1. “Estrus detection rates and pregnancy rates were lower in heifers treated with GnRH and CIDR insert.” B.A. Hensley et al., Abs. Jrnl. Ani. Sci. 84:1.
Treatment 1 – Heat Detect CIDR & PGF Day 0 Insert CIDR Day 7 Remove CIDR & Inject PGF Day 8-12 Heat Detect & AI *Heat Detection observed with HeatWatch System, an electronic mount or pressure sensing system used to aid in estrus detection.
Treatment 2 – Heat Detect Control ( CIDR only ) Day 0 Insert CIDR Day 6 Inject PGF Day 7 Remove CIDR Day 8-12 Heat Detect & AI *Heat detection observed with Heatwatch.
“The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.” -Linus Pauling ( )