Book of the Dead Egypt had a unique belief system about the soul and the afterlife. Humans were two-parted Ba: the Body Ka: the Soul The Book of the Dead were a series of almost 200 texts, songs, and pictures written on papyrus, individually customized for and buried with the deceased in order to ease their passage into the underworld.
The Book of the Dead The intestines, lungs, liver, and the stomach were preserved separately and stored in Canopic Jars which were protected by the four sons of Horus.
The Judgement of the dead in the presence of Osiris
The Final Judgment Th e deceased in led into the hall of judgment by Anubis (God of Mummification) and the deceased’s heart (the record of the owner’s mortality), is weighed against a single feather. This feather represents Ma’at Ma’at is the principal of truth and order, it means “what is right”
If the heart and the feather balance, the judgment is favorable and the deceased is taken to Osiris (God of the Afterlife) If the scale becomes unbalanced then the judgment is unfavorable. The heart is destroyed by the demon Ammit, leaving the owner with no afterlife.
Papyrus from Book of the Dead of Ani Judgment of the Dead in the presence of Osiris
Book of the Dead of Ani: Spell 110
Ani & Tutu Book of the Dead of Ani: Chapter 17
Hunefer: Detail
Book of the Dead: Hunefer Judgment of Dead in presence of Osiris
Spell 110: Papyrus Book of the Dead of Nakht
Book of the Dead of Nakht: worshipping Osiris Nakht & Tjuiu