Ruxandra Toma Argelander Institut für Astronomie, Universität Bonn, Germany
Fondat de romani in urma cu peste 2000 de ani Situat pe Rin Locul de nastere al lui Ludwig van Beethoven Populatie: locuitori
Fondata in 1818, de regele Friedrich Wilhelm III. Una dintre institutiile academice de varf ale Germaniei Absolventi celebri: Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Konrad Adenauer, doi laureati ai Premiului Nobel – si papa Benedict al XVI-lea studenti (4.100 studenti internationali) 513 profesori
Friedrich Wilhelm August Argelander a pus bazele Astronomiei in Bonn (1836). El a fondat observatorul "Sternwarte" in "Poppelsdorfer Allee", in Radioastronomia ce a cunoscut mari progrese si aparitia unor noi discipline au condus la fondarea unor noi institute: "Radioastronomisches Institut" (1962), "Institut für Astrophysik und Extraterrestrische Forschung" (1964) si "Max-Planck- Institut für Radioastronomie" (1966).
In 1973 cele 3 institute s-au mutat in cladirea aratata in fotografiile urmatoare. In ianuarie 2006 s-au unit sub numele Institutul Argelander pentru Astronomie.
a fost construit un nou observator, “Hoher List”, in regiunea muntoasa Eifel, aprox. 100 km SV de Bonn. Instrumentele din “Sternwarte” au fost mutate la Hoher List.
Telescopes of the Observatory: 1: 1 m - Cassegrain-Nasmyth-Telescope 2: Schmidt-Telescope; 3: Astrograph; 4: 60 cm - Ritchey-Chretien-Telescope; 5: Schröder-Refractor; 6: Bonn Double Refractor.
Catalogue of compulsory courses Cosmology Stars and Stellar Evolution Astrophysics of Galaxies Physics of Interstellar Medium Advanced Quantum Mechanics Advanced Laboratory Course
Catalogue of elective courses Observational Astronomy Radio Astronomy: Tools, Applications, Impacts Submillimeter Astronomy Astronomical Interferometry and Digital Image Processing Introduction to Galactic and Extragalactic X-Ray Astronomy Observational Cosmology Wave Optics and Astronomical Applications Optical Observations Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields Multiwavelength Observations of Galaxy Clusters
Catalogue of elective courses Modern Astrophysics Stellar and Solar Coronae Gravitational Lensing The Physics of Dense Stellar Systems Numerical Dynamics Dark matter and dark energy explored by radio and X-ray observations Quasars and Microquasars Star Formation Nucleosynthesis The cosmic history of the intergalactic medium
1. Cosmology: Introduction and overview 2. Homogeneous world models 3. Introduction to General Relativity 4. Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models 5. Thermal history of the Universe 6. Structure formation in the Universe -Linear structure growth -The power spectrum of density fluctuations -Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations -Nonlinear structure formation – computer simulations, mass profiles, galaxy-clustering 7..
7. CMB anisotropies 8. Inflation 9. Cosmic shear Sonda Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe - NASA. Satelitul a fost lansat pe 30 iunie 2001 Rezultatele WMAP: - prima hartă completă a radiaţiei cosmice de fond pe întreg cerul (<1°) - existenţa energiei întunecate; - s-au calculat valori mai precise pentru densitatea materiei întunecate. - a determinat precis vârsta Universului, perioadele de tranziţii şi geometria spaţiului
WMAP 5 – al cinci-lea an de măsurători – 7 martie 2008 A realizat cea mai recentă hartă a CMB ce provine din orice direcţie cosmică, la rezoluţie de cca. 0,0002°. Temperatura medie actuală este de 2,725 K. Culorile reprezintă anizotropiile: regiunile roşii sunt mai reci iar cele albastre sunt mai calde. Structura Universului cunoscută astăzi (dreapta sus) şi acum 13,7 miliarde de ani (Cosmosul avea ani), când lumina a fost emisă (dreapta jos)
In the H O LIGRAIL (HOher LIst GRAvItational Lensing) project we use the 1m Telescope at Hoher List Observatory to monitor multiply-lensed quasars aiming at the determination of time-delays between the different light paths. These can be used to study the individual radial mass profile of the lensing galaxies, or -from a larger ensemble- to constrain the Hubble Constant H 0. This programme has been inspired by the COSMOGRAIL (the COSmological MOnitoring of GRAvItational Lenses) project. Apart from our scientific goals, the H 0 LIGRAIL project comprises a technical upgrade of the 1m Telescope and the introduction of a new lab course experiment, performing and analyzing H 0 LIGRAIL data, which is now part of the advanced lab course in Physics at Bonn University.
Superviser: Prof. Dr. Urlich Klein, AIfA Project: Gas and Dark Matter Properties of Dwarf Galaxies Plan: - Observations with Isaac Newton Telescope - La Palma (17 th -18 th of October) - Data reduction and analysis - Interpretation
Master Thesis project Abstract We propose to perform deep broadband (B,r,i) and H alpha imaging of four isolated dwarf galaxies with giant HI disks. Owing to their unusually large HI disks, these objects are ideal to study both the dark matter distribution on galactic scales as well as possible gas accretion. These galaxies have recently been observed in HI at th e WSRT (project R07B009) and the proposed INT-WFC observations will allow us to accurately determine the distribution of the stellar mass component of the target galaxies, a prerequisite for assessing their dark matter content.
The Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (ING) operates the 4.2 metre William Herschel Telescope (WHT), the 2.5 metre Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) and the 1.0 metre Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope (JKT) on behalf of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) of the United Kingdom, the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) of the Netherlands, and the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) in Spain. The ING is located at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, Spain.
Rheinische – Friedrich -Wilhelms – Universität - -The University of Bonn – An International Research University AIfA, Hoher List Observatory, MSc Astrophysics, HOLIGRAIL Module Handbook – Master in Astrophysics - INT Proposal – Gas and Dark Matter Properties of Dwarf galaxies Cosmology and Gravitational Lensing - Prof. Dr. Peter Schneider – Cosmology – Lecture Notes - Prof. Dr. Peter Schneider – Gravitational Lensing – Lecture Notes