Sep 26, 2003Katri Huitu, HIP/Dept.of Phys.Sciences1 PARTICLE PHENOMENOLOGY Helsinki: Department of Physical Sciences, Helsinki Institute of Physics Turku: Department of Physics Oulu: Department of Physics Jyväskylä: Department of Physics Jyväskylä Oulu Turku Jyväskylä Helsinki 630 km 160 km 610 km 270 km 340 km
Sep 26, 2003Katri Huitu, HIP/Dept.of Phys.Sciences2 HELSINKI: University of Helsinki: Department of Physical Sciences, Division of High Energy Physics; Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP): project of Particle Phenomenology Special features in Helsinki: Co-operation of the phenomenologists in the Department of Physical Sciences and HIP is very good (located in the same building). The only chair in experimental high energy physics in Finland is in Helsinki; HIP coordinates Finnish research at accelerator laboratories. The group interacts with the experimentalists involved in Finnish collaborations.
Sep 26, 2003Katri Huitu, HIP/Dept.of Phys.Sciences3 Professors: M. Chaichian, Dept. of Phys. Sciences and HIP A. Green, HIP (retired) P. Hoyer, Dept. of Phys. Sciences and HIP D.-O. Riska, Dept. of Phys. Sciences and HIP Other senior personnel and postdocs: M. Aoki, HIP D. Chakraverty, HIP A. Datta, HIP E. Gabrielli, HIP K. Huitu, Dept. of Phys. Sciences and HIP B. Julia-Diaz, Dept. of Phys. Sciences and HIP A. Kobakhidze, Dept. of Phys. Sciences and HIP T. Lähde, HIP J. Niskanen, Dept. of Phys. Sciences M. Sainio, HIP and Dept. of Phys. Sciences N. Törnqvist, Dept. of Phys. Sciences
Sep 26, 2003Katri Huitu, HIP/Dept.of Phys.Sciences4 PhD students: E. Brücken, start 2003 J. Koponen, start 2000 J. Laamanen, start 2001 P. Piirola, start 2000 T. Rüppell, start 2002 A. Tureanu, start 2000 all: 25 % female Major research lines: -higher dimensional models, -noncommutative physics, -GUTs, -supersymmetric models, -CP violation, -neutrino physics, -QCD, hadron physics : 63 papers with 194 citations (SLAC Qspires)
Sep 26, 2003Katri Huitu, HIP/Dept.of Phys.Sciences5 Organization and funding: HIP: Theory program with projects (string theory, particle phenomenology, cosmology, heavy ion physics) each project decided for 3+3 years (phenomenology only until end of 2006 !) HIP provides funding as a lump sum to the project to be used as decided by the project leader possible to hire postdocs An additional large part of the resources is coming from the Academy of Finland.
Sep 26, 2003Katri Huitu, HIP/Dept.of Phys.Sciences6 Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä: Professor: J. Maalampi from Postdoc: T.F. Feng PhD students: M. Myyryläinen, start 2002 J. Riittinen, start % female
Sep 26, 2003Katri Huitu, HIP/Dept.of Phys.Sciences7 In recent years particle physics has been strengthened in Jyväskylä with several new people courses on particle physics regularly available. Financial support from Academy of Finland and special funding from the Universities. Major research lines: -Neutrino physics, -CP violation, -astroparticle physics : 4 papers with 5 citations
Sep 26, 2003Katri Huitu, HIP/Dept.of Phys.Sciences8 Department of Physics, University of Oulu Professor emer: E. Suhonen Other senior personnel and postdocs: A. Keränen J. Peltoniemi (CUPP) PhD students: J. Sarkamo 0 % female Major research lines: -neutrino physics, -astroparticle physics Close ties to the CUPP project (see the talk by J.Peltoniemi) : 4 papers with 6 citations (below a critical size)
Sep 26, 2003Katri Huitu, HIP/Dept.of Phys.Sciences9 Professor: A. Pietilä Other senior personnel: I. Vilja Department of Physics, University of Turku 0 % female Major research lines: -neutrino physics, -beyond-the-Standard-Model physics : 5 papers with 16 citations (below a critical size)
Sep 26, 2003Katri Huitu, HIP/Dept.of Phys.Sciences10 Funding of the students -HIP or University funding -graduate school for particle and nuclear physics -Academy of Finland projects -private foundations Funding of the postdocs -HIP -Academy of Finland projects -EU Networks -Discovery Physics at LHC (NorFa) -Probe for New Physics (EU network) -European Investigations of Da ne and other international Collider Experiments (EU network)
Sep 26, 2003Katri Huitu, HIP/Dept.of Phys.Sciences11 Some other recent activities -Blois workshop on elastic and diffractive scattering, summer Jyväskylä summer school (lectures on physics) Discovery Physics at the LHC-network meeting spring Experimental particle physics summer school Beyond the Desert -conference, Oulu summer Workshop on Forward Physics and Luminosity Determination at LHC, summer EPS-HEP conference, Tampere, summer 1999
Sep 26, 2003Katri Huitu, HIP/Dept.of Phys.Sciences12 Conclusions: -altogether, particle phenomenology in Finland is at an internationally high level - groups in Helsinki and Jyväskylä clearly above ’the critical size’ -groups in Oulu and Turku have very few scientists -the Helsinki group is dependent on the continuity and financial situation in HIP, which gives to all projects only a fixed term