Improving Migration and Remittance Statistics through MIRPAL Joint UNECE - UNFPA Workshop on Migration Statistics Antalya (Turkey) October 2011
Outline of Presentation A.Improving Migration and Remittance Statistics through MIRPAL… 1.MIRPAL Network: Origins and Objectives 2.Recent Activities 3.Planned Activities B.…and the broader Migration program of the World Bank This presentation is based on inputs received from Sudharshan Canagarajah (Lead Economist and Coordinator, Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Regional Migration Program, World Bank) and Victor Sulla (Economist, ECA, World Bank). The slides on the Migration and Remittances Fact Book are reproduced from the work of Dilip Ratha, Sanket Mohapatra, and Ani Silwal.
Migration and Remittance Peer-Assisted Learning (MIRPAL) Network MIRPAL Launched in Moscow in June 2010 following two years of various learning activities in response to the global financial crisis Supported in part by the UK Department for International Development (DfID), the World Bank Innovation Grant, and the South-South Experience Exchange Trust Fund.
Migration and Remittance Peer-Assisted Learning (MIRPAL) Network MIRPAL A community of migration and remittance practitioners and experts (governmental and non- governmental agencies) from nine ECA countries: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan MIRPAL Secretariat: managed by Migration XXI Century (a non-commercial foundation) in Moscow. MIRPAL National Coordinators manage country-specific activities.
Migration and Remittance Peer-Assisted Learning (MIRPAL) Network Background Many ECA countries have the highest emigration rates in the world and the largest remittances in percent of GDP Despite its key role in reducing poverty, labor migration at the periphery of development agenda in many ECA countries Moscow Protocol of Intentions on Migration Policy in Member Countries: Toward the Creation of a Unified Migration Space (2009) – MIRPAL events helped bring together practitioners from CIS countries and develop the Protocol of Intentions
Migration and Remittance Peer-Assisted Learning (MIRPAL) Network Areas of Interest 1.improving remittance and migration data collection in the CIS region 2.introducing new technologies in remittances 3. increasing impact of migration and remittances on the poverty reduction 4.maximizing macroeconomic benefits of migration and remittances 5.promoting Diasporas’ engagement as a source of economic development of migrant-sending countries.
Migration and Remittance Peer-Assisted Learning (MIRPAL) Network Tools and Work Formats 1.Technical Assistance 2.Analytical work 3.Knowledge Management 4.Communication and Outreach
MIRPAL helps bring migration and remittances into the development agenda by supporting the following activities 1.Developing policy recommendations and implementing initiatives aimed at the improvement of labor migration policies in MIRPAL member countries 2.Providing a platform for a dialogue between state and non-government participants as well as key experts and practitioners 3.Raising awareness on importance and impact of labor migration and remittances
MIRPAL helps bring migration and remittances into the development agenda by supporting the following activities 3.Strengthening capacities and knowledge base of all Network members through the exchange of experience and best practice 4.Preparing analytical briefs and thematic research on specific topics of interest 5.Promoting inclusion of a growing number of ECA countries in initiatives and activities concerning issues related to remittances and migration and facilitating the dialogue among these countries
Migration and Remittance Peer-Assisted Learning (MIRPAL) Network Network Members and Participants
MIRPAL Network: Recent Activities Regional Workshops International Workshop on Migration and Remittances in the CIS Countries (Moscow, 2009) The First MIRPAL Conference and Thematic Workshop (Moscow, 2010) International Workshop on Economic and Social Impact of Migration, Remittances and Diaspora (Yerevan, 2010) Second MIRPAL Conference and Thematic Workshop (Support Services and Statistics) (Moscow, May 2011) Experience Exchange and Study Tours Philippine Study Tour (2009)
MIRPAL Network: Recent Activities Country Specific Technical Assistance and Research Moscow Protocol of Intentions on Migration Policy in CIS Countries (2009) Development of National Labor Migration Strategies and Action Plans in Tajikistan and Kyrgyz Republic (2010) Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) Videoconferences Seminars and Brown Bag Lunches
MIRPAL: Planned Activities Specialized Survey simultaneously conducted in sending and receiving countries Background: difficulty of collecting useful information in countries of origin (1) when all members of the household move; (2) when household members left behind provide incomplete information To understand magnitude and impact of migration, need to collect information from (1)households in countries of origin as well as from (2)migrants themselves in the host countries.
MIRPAL: Planned Activities Specialized Survey simultaneously conducted in sending and receiving countries Components (1) developing the methodology (stocktaking of survey instruments, development of questionnaire, regional conference) (2) pilot survey(s) (one recipient country and two countries of origin) (3) analysis and suggestions for improvement
MIRPAL: Planned Activities Specialized Survey simultaneously conducted in sending and receiving countries Implementation 1.Two-year project 2.CISSTAT in collaboration with MIRPAL Secretariat and national migration focal points 3.World Bank Team Leader: Victor Sulla
Migration and Remittance Peer-Assisted Learning (MIRPAL) Network Web-based resources
Migration and Remittance Peer-Assisted Learning (MIRPAL) Network MIRPAL is open to partnerships and joint work Contact Washington – Sudharshan Canagrajah Moscow – Natalia Vlasova CIS countries and national coordinators More info – please visit
Outline of Presentation A.Improving Migration and Remittance Statistics through MIRPAL… 1.MIRPAL Network: Origins and Objectives 2.Recent Activities 3.Planned Activities B.…and the broader Migration program of the World Bank This presentation is based on inputs received from Sudharshan Canagarajah (Lead Economist and Coordinator, Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Regional Migration Program, World Bank) and Victor Sulla (Economist, ECA, World Bank)
Migration and Remittances Factbook Provides a comprehensive picture of emigration, skilled emigration, immigration, and remittance flows for 210 countries and 15 country groups Draws on authoritative, publicly available data - national censuses, labor force surveys, population registers, IMF, central banks. Factbook 2011 updates the information in the popular 2008 edition with additional data for 71 countries Also provides selected socioeconomic characteristics -- population, labor force, age dependency ratio, gross national income (GNI) per capita, and poverty headcount Source: Reproduced from the work of Dilip Ratha, Sanket Mohapatra, and Ani Silwal.
Migration and Remittances Factbook Source: Reproduced from the work of Dilip Ratha, Sanket Mohapatra, and Ani Silwal. Remittances in percent of GDP, 2009
Migration and Remittance Peer-Assisted Learning (MIRPAL) Network Web-based resources
Migration and Remittance Peer-Assisted Learning (MIRPAL) Network MIRPAL is open to partnerships and joint work Contact Washington – Sudharshan Canagrajah Moscow – Natalia Vlasova CIS countries and national coordinators More info – please visit