Why We Should Love Science By: Fahad Al Thani
Introduction In this presentation, I have researched three scientists. One of these is from the past, another is from the present, and the third is a Qatari scientist. I had to research a brief history of what they’ve done and the timeline for their work. I will also give a reason why I chose each scientist.
Past Scientist Isaac Newton Born in England Mathematician and Physicist Regarded for three hundred years for setting examples for modern physical science. He described the three laws of motion. 1.A body in motion tends to stay in motion and a body at rest tends to stay at rest until some force changes it. 2.Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass, the greater the amount of force is needed to accelerate it. 3.For every force exerted, there is an equal and opposite and reaction force. He also described the universal gravitation laws. – The motion of objects on earth and celestial bodies are governed by the same set of natural laws.
Timeline for Isaac Newton 1642 – born in England 1666 – discovered spectrum of light 1670s – worked on mathematics of gravitation 1684 – completed calculations on gravitation 1687 – publication of his work 1727 – died in London
Why I chose Isaac Newton My first reason is because two of my favourite subjects are Science and Mathematics. My second reason is because of my interest in gravity. To this day Isaac Newton’s laws are used to explain the motion of objects and how the forces of gravity work.
Present Scientist Dr. Ma’an Al Ani He is a biomedical scientist from Iraq. He invented a nanorobotic device for the treatment of cancer. This device helps prevent the spread of cancer in patients. President of the Qatar National Cancer Society. He is working with medical teams in both Qatar and the USA. He is a health consultant with NASA.
Timeline for Dr. Ma’an Al Ani Difficult to find past history. Born in Iraq, worked in America and now lives in Qatar. Currently working with medical teams in Qatar and USA on cancer research. The research work of cancer prevention will continue into the future.
Why I chose Dr. Ma’an Al Ani I became interested when I discovered that his son is a grade 7 student in my school. Cancer is a disease that kills thousands of people all over the world, so research to help prevent cancer is a good thing.
Qatari Scientist Dr. Saoud Abdul Ghani Head of mechanical and industrial engineering at Qatar University. He and his team are looking for ways to solve problem of too much heat in the football stadiums for the World Cup in They are creating solar powered mechanical clouds to cool down the open air stadiums.
Timeline for Dr. Saoud Abdul Ghani 2011 – design phase of solar powered mechanical clouds – will develop prototypes and try them at different places like existing stadiums and playgrounds – full implementation to provide AC to cool down the stadiums for the World Cup.
Why I Chose Dr. Saoud Abdul Ghani I chose Dr. Saoud Abdul Ghani because of my great interest in Qatar hosting the World Cup The whole world is watching to see how Qatar will handle the problem of too much heat in the stadiums. Dr. Abdul Ghani’s invention is the first of its type anywhere in the world. I can’t wait to see how artificial clouds will work.