Ani Shakarishvili, MD UNAIDS Country Coordinator in Ukraine AIDS 2012, Washington, DC – 23 July, 2012 Ensuring the financial sustainability of the national AIDS response in a low-middle income country with the growing HIV epidemic: is it feasible in the next few years in Ukraine?
Overview Context Money now: from where? for what? Money in the future: predictability? how much more needed? Possible solutions Is it feasible?
Context Low-middle income country with growing and fragile economy: GDP per capita $2,974 (2010) Growing HIV epidemic: most severe in Europe: estimated 0.8% HIV prevalence (15-49 yrs) highly concentrated in key populations at risk: PWID (22% HIV prevalence), FSWs (9%), MSM (6%) National HIV response scaling up with some pockets of success (PMTCT, young/recent PWID) Changing political environment, yet some openness around social issues at national and local levels Health care reform slow, with only some benchmarks Source: Ukrainian AIDS Centre
Annual AIDS expenditures (in USD) by programme areas and sources of financing – USD millions Total 2009: USD 65.4 M Total 2010: USD 72.8 M Source: Ukraine National AIDS Spending Assessments, 2009 and 2010
Number of patients on ART and contribution of the state budget and the Global Fund –
ART coverage of the estimated needs in selected countries, 2010 > 80% 60% - 79% 40% - 59% Congo Guyana Lesotho 20% - 39% Algeria India Lithuania 0% - 19% Egypt Tajikistan Ukraine Brazil Ethiopia Romania Botswana Rwanda Slovakia
Cost (in USD) of 1 st and 2 nd line ARV regiments –
Reported number of persons receiving opioid substitution treatment and the national targets – Source: Ukrainian Institute of Public Health Policy Research, 2011 National AIDS Plan – 2013 target Current need USD 11M from the GF R6 ( ) GF R10
Annual future financial allocations for HIV by source and the annual financial gap (in USD) – Funding gap: USD 138M Source: National Operational Plan ; Ukraine Gap Analysis Report, 2010
Financial sustainability - possible solutions (1) Increasing domestic investments: Programmatic priorities Equitable resource distribution Policy and practical initiatives aimed at reduction of costs per client: Radical changes and optimization of procurement Efficient service delivery modalities (cost and implementation efficiencies) HIV service integration and decentralization: -Across HIV interventions -Synergies with other vertical and non-HIV programmes -Into primary care
Still required donor-funding commitments (post Y2015!) Alternative modalities of financing: Cost-sharing arrangements ??? National health and social insurance ??? Taxation ??? Facilitating public-private partnerships ??? Financial sustainability - possible solutions (2)
Is it feasible?
Total health expenditures, percent (%) of GDP – Percent Health expenditure per capita (current USD) – USD Only 0.7% of health expenditures go towards HIV in Ukraine!
Financing Service delivery Institutional Human resources Social sustainability Sustainability
Acknowledgements Co-authors: Kateryna Sharapka UNAIDS Ukraine Dr. George Gotsadze Curatio International Foundation Alexei Ilnitski UNAIDS Ukraine Prof. Natalia Nizova Ukrainian AIDS Centre Oleksandr Zhyhinas Ukrainian AIDS Centre Other colleagues: Paolo Belli The World Bank Dr. Volodymyr Kurpita All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV Robert Greener UNAIDS Geneva
Thank you! Дякую!