2 Connecting Millions of Americans with Health Coverage: The Opportunity
Enroll America 3 Two-fold Strategy Our Mission Ensure that all Americans get enrolled – and stay enrolled – in health coverage. Promoting Enrollment Best Practices Raising Public Awareness 1 2
Data-driven Renewal for Continuous Coverage Online Tool for Consumers to Easily Compare and Enroll in Health Plans Modern, Data-driven Verification Systems “No Wrong Door” Eligibility and Enrollment Model Simple, Streamlined Application A New Way to Enroll in Coverage 4
The 2014 Enrollment Opportunity 5 Source: July 2012 CBO estimates Millions Enroll at least 16 million people in new coverage options } 9 million in Exchange coverage 7 million in Medicaid or CHIP }
Where are the Uninsured?
Limited Public Awareness 7 The majority of uninsured Americans don’t think the health reform law will help them 78% 60% of the newly eligible don’t know about the new health insurance exchanges of consumers say they will need help enrolling in the new coverage options
Types of Consumer Assistance 8 Technology enabled assistance Online chats Personalized accounts Call centers Kiosks In-person assistance Navigators Application Assisters Brokers/Agents
Where Do You Fit In? 9
7 Concrete Steps for Take advantage of federal funding. 2. Develop an outreach plan. 3. Automate enrollment for early gains. 4. Minimize documentation requirements. 5. Promote data-driven eligibility systems. 6. Redouble efforts on consumer assistance. 7. Make materials easy to read and understand.
Thank you! 11 Ani Fete State Assistance Director