DPS-11/ Socorro, NM E-911 Upgrade Presentation to the Project Certification Committee
Project History On November 15, 2012 the New Mexico State Police submitted a request to approve an upgrade to their current 911 call-taking equipment for the DPS-11 PSAP in Socorro. The 911 equipment that DPS-11 currently has was installed in Due to the “end of life” designation for the ANI/ALI controller. Availability of parts is a major issue for ongoing maintenance. On February 19, 2013, the BOF approved the DPS-11 E-911 PSAP funding request for equipment upgrades in the amount of $139,
Budget Status February 2013 Board of Finance approved $139, to upgrade the E-911 equipment and software for the DPS-11/Socorro, NM Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). The amount was based on the quote received from the current equipment provider. IV&V was not budgeted for this project. The DFA/LGD plans to request approval from the Board of Finance to fund IV&V.
Budget Breakout
Project Timeline
Risk & Issues System failure prior to project completion – We will alert the back-up PSAP that there may be a need to divert 911 calls. Site readiness – We require the PSAP to certify that the site is ready prior to giving authorization to move forward.
911 System Configuration
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