© Copyright 2014 by K&L Gates LLP. All rights reserved. A WPPLA Roundtable Discussion led by Rob Duncan, Pittsburgh Library Manager at K&L Gates LLP So You Want to Manage a Law Library? Advice from Rookie and Veteran Managers Alike
Topics I Considered...
Library Budgeting: Tips and tricks for the librarian without an MBA klgates.com3
Business Developers: Friend or Foe? klgates.com4
Today’s Topic
VALUABLE ADVICE FROM ROOKIE AND VETERAN LAW LIBRARY MANAGERS Get Help! A High IQ Doesn’t Hurt, but a Higher EQ is Essential Get Out of Your Office! klgates.com 6
Get Help!
I. GET HELP! – KEY POINTS Start with your HR Department. Identify, observe and cultivate role models, but... “Don’t Ask Anyone to be Your Mentor” Figure out what duties you can delegate and how. Read, Read, Read! klgates.com 8
I. GET HELP! – START WITH HR Does your employer have any management training initiatives that you find particularly helpful (e.g., writing and delivering performance evaluations; conflict resolution, etc.)? If your HR department could offer guidance and training in one area, what would it be? Why? klgates.com 9
I. GET HELP! – LOOK TO ROLE MODELS Tell us about the most important mentor in your career? How did the relationship develop? What’s the most important lesson you learned from them? For those of you who may be solo librarians, who do you look to for guidance and wisdom? klgates.com 10
I. GET HELP! - “DON’T ASK ANYONE TO BE YOUR MENTOR” Do you have a mentee? How did the relationship develop? What are you learning from them? Was it expected or unexpected? Can you help Cindy with the new WPLLA Mentoring program!? klgates.com 11
I. GET HELP! – FIND A WAY TO DELEGATE Do others have difficulty letting go of former duties (e.g., research work)? If so, which ones are particularly problematic? Why? For solo librarians in particular, what strategies do you have for taming the reference beast and finding time for managerial tasks? klgates.com 12
I. GET HELP! – READ, READ, READ! Tell us about the literature you find essential to your career (e.g., blogs, journals, magazines, books, etc.). Do you actively look for management insights in non-professional literature or others aspects of life? klgates.com 13
Improving Your EQ is Essential
II. IMPROVING YOUR EQ IS ESSENTIAL – KEY POINTS Be Introspective and Critical of Yourself, but... Embrace Your Strengths Exercise Your “Management Muscle” Outside of Work klgates.com 15
II. IMPROVING YOUR EQ IS ESSENTIAL – QUESTIONS Has anyone spent time assessing their EQ and worked to improve it? If so, how? Has it made you a better manager and/or advocate for your library? Do we have anyone here that avoids conflict, or perhaps has a difficult time making a forceful argument for their own value or their library to key stakeholders? If so, tell us how you overcome those feelings? Does anyone else try to exercise their “management muscle” outside of work? If so, can you tell us about some of your strategies? Has it helped you in your professional life? klgates.com 16
Get Out of Your Office!
III. GET OUT OF YOUR OFFICE! – KEY POINTS Relationships (not virtual ones) with Key Stakeholders Really Matter Look for Ways to Build Deeper Relationships and Political Capital klgates.com 18
III. GET OUT OF YOUR OFFICE! – QUESTIONS How do you build and nurture relationships with your stakeholders? How do you maintain existing ones? What’s your most effective tool in marketing yourself and your library beyond delivering great work product when called upon? klgates.com 19
Final Thoughts?
If you had one piece of advice to young librarians or aspiring law library managers, what would it be? What’s the most painful lesson you learned as a manager? What’s the greatest challenge you face today and how do you plan to overcome it? klgates.com 21