Richard Roth, PhD. Executive Director, Impact DWI Research Supported By NM TSB, PIRE, NHTSA, and RWJ Revised 10/27/08New Mexico Interlock Program Dick Roth1
4/14/2008New Mexico Interlock Program Dick Roth2
Drunk Driver Plows into Mexican Bike Race One Dead, 10 Injured, June 1, 2008
The New Mexico Laws 1999 Optional Judicial Mandate for 2 nd and 3 rd DWI 2002 Mandatory Sentence for 1 st Aggravated and All Subsequent Offenders Indigent Fund 2003 Ignition Interlock License available for all revoked offenders with no waiting period Mandatory Sentence: 1 yr for 1 st ; 2 yrs for 2 nd ; 3 yrs for 3 rd ; and lifetime with 5 yr review for 4 or more ALR and JLR periods increased 4/14/2008New Mexico Interlock Program Dick Roth4
Measures of Program Effectiveness Increased Interlock Installation Rate. Reduction of Recidivism of Interlocked Offenders. Statewide Reductions in Recidivism. Statewide Reductions in Alcohol-Involved Crashes. Statewide Reductions in Alcohol-Involved Injuries. Statewide Reductions in Alcohol-Involved Fatalities. Perception of Fairness of the Sanction. 4/14/2008New Mexico Interlock Program Dick Roth5
Roth 3/11/08NM Traffic Safety Summit6
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Roth 3/11/08NM Traffic Safety Summit9 Cravens CrashIgnition Interlock Law Down 30% Down 36%
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NM Ignition Interlock Installation Survey16 Opinions of 1513 Interlocked Offenders They Consider Interlocks To Be 88% Helpful in avoiding another DWI 83% Helpful at reducing their drinking 89% Effective at reducing their drunk driving 70% Cost-Effective..benefits outweigh the costs 80% A Fair Sanction For DWI Offenders 72% All convicted DWI’s should have interlocks 63% All arrested DWI’s should have interlocks.
Measures of Program Effectiveness 32% of all persons arrested for DWI are installing interlocks. (50% of Convicted offenders) More currently-installed interlocks per capita than any other state or nation. Recidivism of interlocked offenders is reduced by 65%. Overall statewide recidivism is 30% lower since Alcohol Involved Crashes are down 31%. Alcohol Involved Injuries are down 39%. Alcohol Involved Fatalities are down 35%. 4/14/2008New Mexico Interlock Program Dick Roth17
What We Have Learned in NM Judicial Mandates get more interlocks installed than Administrative requirements. 3 to 1 in NM. First offenders must be included because they are 60% to 80% of all DWI offenders, and almost as likely to be re-arrested as subsequent offenders. There must be an Interlock License available ASAP. Revoked offenders are 3 times more likely to be re- arrested for DWI than interlocked offenders. Hard revocation periods just teach offenders that they can drive without being arrested. 4/14/2008New Mexico Interlock Program Dick Roth18
Loopholes that Remain in NM “No Car” excuse. No interlock between arrest and adjudication (Learning, DWI, Absconding) Possibility of waiting out revocation period without interlock (for “no car”, not- convicted, and absconders) 4/14/2008New Mexico Interlock Program Dick Roth19
NM Loophole Fixes For those who claim “no car”, a fee equal to the cost of an interlock for supervised probation of the offender or an equally costly daily home Photo-BAC test. Vehicle Immobilization or Interlock between arrest and adjudication. No full license reinstatement without a mandatory interlock period. 4/14/2008New Mexico Interlock Program Dick Roth20
Comparison of Laws New Mexico Illinois Convicted offenders must install interlocks. Unless they are willing to lie. Convicted offenders must install interlocks. Unless they don’t want to. 4/14/2008New Mexico Interlock Program Dick Roth21 Result: 50% Install; ~40% Lie; ~10% don’t drive. My Prediction: ~15% Install; ~70% Opt out; ~15% Will not respond.
Model Ignition Interlock Program by Dick Roth May 2, Mandatory Interlocks as a condition of probation for all convicted offenders. 1 yr for 1 st, 2 yrs for second, 3 yrs for 3 rd, and 5 yrs for 4 or more. 2. Mandatory Home Photo-Id Breathalyzer for convicted offenders who claim “no vehicle” or “not driving. Daily requirement of morning and evening alcohol-free breath tests as a condition of probation. 3. An ignition interlock license available to all persons revoked for DWI with no other restrictions. Allow MVD to set fee to cover cost. 5/2/08New Mexico Interlock Program Dick Roth22
Model Ignition Interlock Program by Dick Roth May 2, 2008 continued 4. An Indigent Fund with objective standards such as eligibility for income support or food stamps. 5. Vehicle immobilization or interlock between arrest and adjudication. 6. Vehicle forfeiture for driving a non-interlocked vehicle while revoked for DWI. 7. No end to revocation period before satisfaction of at least one year of alcohol-free driving with an IID. (eg. ≥ 5000 miles and ≥ 1 year with no BAC>0.05 by any driver). 8. Criminal sanction for circumvention of IID. 5/2/08New Mexico Interlock Program Dick Roth23
Thank You Richard Roth, PhD West Alameda Unit D4 Santa Fe, NM /14/2008New Mexico Interlock Program Dick Roth24