RPC Meeting, Braunschweig Sept Messung planetarer und interplanetarer Magnetfelder Sommersemester 2014 Lehrveranstaltung: Dr. Konrad Schwingenschuh/ÖAW 23. Mai 2014 bis 28. Mai 2014 Folien © Dr. Konrad Schwingenschuh
RPC Meeting, Braunschweig Sept Globale elektrische Leitfähigkeit: Allgemeines Magn. Fluktuationen und Sprünge des interplanetaren Magnetfeldes werden durch die elektr. Leitfähigkeit von Himmelskörpern durch magn. Diffusion gedämpft. Die Bestimmung erfolgt mittels Orbiter- und Lander- Magnetometer. Die Abschätzung der Leitfähigkeit erfolgt durch die Relation Sigma = tau / (mu_0 * L^2) ; tau... char. Diffusionszeit [s]; L... Durchmesser des Himmelskörpers (char. Länge) Beispiel: Rosetta (Kometenkern), Galileo (mögliche Ozeane auf Jupitermonden Europa, Ganymede, Callisto), Mond (Apollo 12 und Explorer 35)
RPC Meeting, Braunschweig Sept Global magnetic and electric properties of a cometary nucleus: ROSETTA combined orbiter and lander magnetic field experiment
RPC Meeting, Braunschweig Sept Magnetic properties of asteroids and comets - previous magnetic field investigations: § - Gaspra 1993 (magnetic moment?) § - (no significant magnetic moment found) § - ROSETTA Steins 2008 (no evidence for magnetization found) § -ROSETTA-Lutetia 2010 (no evidence for an intrinsic field) - magnetized dust & accretional remanence: § - Nüboldt 2000 § -Weiss2012 - ROSETTA 2014: remanent magnetization in the solar nebula
RPC Meeting, Braunschweig Sept Global electrical conductivity - dual point magnetic field and global electrical conductivity [Dyal 1973] - electromagnetic induction in the cometary nucleus - study of time varying interplanetary magnetic field (Constantinescu 2012) References § 1. Dyal, P. and W.P. Curtis, Global Electromagnetic Induction in the Moon and Planets, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 7 (1973) § 2. Constantinescu-et al.-2012, PSS-On the possibility to determine the electrical conductivity of 67PCG from ROSETTA magnetic field observations
RPC Meeting, Braunschweig Sept Combined measurement of ROMAP and RPC Before descent During descent After descent
RPC Meeting, Braunschweig Sept ROMAP – Reminder! Magnetometer 2000nT range, 0.05nT resolution, 64Hz Pressure Sensors Pirani: –10 mbar Penning: –10 -4 mbar Electrostatic Analyzer ions: eV; electrons: eV Faraday Cup resolution 5x – 4x10 -10
RPC Meeting, Braunschweig Sept Descent Operation Why magnetic properties of a comet are interesting Magnetization of processed and non-processed material is very different Known examples are Meteorites and Asteroids Magnetization could explain gap in planetary formation (10 -3 … 10 1 m) Determination of magnetic properties of CG Aubrite (non processed) ALHA Magnetization: 2.8mAm²/kg Diogenite (processed) MIL Magnetization: 0.05mAm²/kg
RPC Meeting, Braunschweig Sept Descent Operation Why characterization can be done during descent only Direct measurements of magnetization can be done at different distances Drop off profile gives information about homogeneity magnetic field on surface is proportional to NRM Determination of magnetic properties of CG Assumptions: Diameter: 5km Density:1.0g/cm3 NRM:0.1mAm 2 /kg a - c:aligned dipoles d – e:randomly distributed No. of dipoles: B vs. altitude
RPC Meeting, Braunschweig Sept FSS / LTS Onset & evolution of s/w interaction Measurement Scenario switching on time: 4 hours centered about noon Optional (LTS): 8 hours including night ROMAP in Surface Mode Constraints No common operation with “magnetic active” experiments Favored measurement partners: Concert, Civa, Rolis, Sesame, Mupus Operation of RPC MAG mandatory Resources Operation time: 4 hours (MAG & SPM) Power consumption: 4 Watt Data volume: 60 kbyte/hour
RPC Meeting, Braunschweig Sept LTS Combined E- and B-field & P-measurement Conductivity investigation using variation analysis Variation of B field (ROMAP/RPC) and E field (SESAME) shall be used to investigate global conductivity High resolution data (64Hz) necessary, previous measurement helpful for planning effective operation Lander Day and Night pressure measurement Promises high scientific return about outgassing behavior Uncertainty: Penning functionality
RPC Meeting, Braunschweig Sept Summary Prior Separation (ICEP) ROMAP supports RPC MAG measurements to separate s/c interferences During Descent (SDL) RPC-MAG supports ROMAP measurement to separate temporal variations from CG signature On Surface (FSS and LTS) Combined measurement of RPC and ROMAP to separate local and temporal field variation And determine the global electrical conductivity Magnetized dust and accretional magnetism