Students’ Exnora in Schools & Colleges
By Mr.Srinivasan in partnership with Students partnership worldwide (SPW)
Zero Waste Centre inside VIT campus. Not a 5 Star Hotel
It will indeed be Exnora’s privilege to work with educational institutions to realise the common mission of developing the students’ resource and through them build a strong nation and to protect, preserve and promote nature. Today’s students are tomorrow’s citizens. Those who are in schools and colleges today are going to be the future ministers, administrators, judges, scientists, engineers, doctors, chartered accountants, lawyers, officers, workers, etc. If only we concentrate on them, provide them a lot of moral inputs and mould them as good citizens and good leaders, the future of the nation will be indeed very bright. If not, there will be far reaching consequences. “Catch them young”, they said. In order to realize this objective, the students can be asked to join the Students’ Exnora of their School or College which has various types of activities. They can form one if it is not there. They are bound to equip themselves on the important subject called Environment. With the accelerated environmental degradation that is taking place, knowledge on types of pollutions and possession of various solutions is looked as an advantage not only from the commercial point of view but from the angle of personal benefit to students by way of employment opportunities. Students should learn every thing on environment as they learn languages and computer which will be considered as an additional advantage from the view point of getting employment..
INITIATING A STUDENTS’ EXNORA CHAPTER Students’ Exnora has very many exciting, educative and self confidence boosting activities. Students’ Exnora will play the pivotal role in spreading Exnora’s environmental messages and spearheading its various activities. The Principal is the Advisor and a member of teaching faculty will be the Teacher Coordinator. There will be a Governing Committee consisting of Office bearers such as: President, Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer and a minimum of eight Directors, each in-charge of one major environmental activity. There are more than eight roles. It is for the each Students’ Exnora to decide what are relevant and important for them. If they wish they can increase the number to twelve. GOVERNING COMMITTEE OFFICE – BEARERS President Vice President Secretary Joint Secretary Treasurer
The following Directors may be chosen as per relevance and importance. Director – ‘Zero Solid Waste Management in the College / School Premises In the premises of the Educational Institution - Litter free campus, Zero waste management inside the campus by facilitation of Composting and Recycling, Creation of Zero waste center. Reducing Residual Wastes, etc. Director – Clean Street Motivating the residents around school / college to keep their place clean and green by starting Civic Exnora for their Street / neighbourhood. 2. Students will also take steps to keep their place of residence clean and green by requesting elders in there area to start Civic Exnora. Director – Home Exnora Motivating the residents around school / college to start Home Exnora in their respective home. Students will also take initiatives to start Home Exnora in their respective residence. Director- Greening To develop a Nursery blossoming into a Tree Bank including seed Bank Carrying on tree planting activities inside the campus and in the road To introduce Happy Birthday tree planting activity. He will facilitate students to plant tree sapling on their birthday by their sponsoring the cost. Students will also take initiatives to plant tree saplings in the street where their college is located as well as where they live.
Director – Water To introduce Rain Water Harvesting in their school/ college campus To propagate introduction of Rain Water Harvesting in individual houses in the area where their Educational Institution is situated To help introduction of Rain Water Harvesting in individual houses in the area where the students live.. To initiate action for protection of water bodies in the area of their Educational institution. Director – Pollution Prevention:- Prevention of various pollutions such as air, water, land, and noise either directly or through Focus Groups. (e.g. Focus Groups for Noise Pollution Prevention is Voice Against Noise, Plastics Pollution Prevention is P3 by M3. That is Plastics Pollution Prevention by Minimum Use, Maximum reuse and Mandatory Safe Disposal Recycling of Plastics) and Automobiles Exhaust – Pollution – Prevention, as part of his Students’ Exnora. Director – Waste Minimization & Energy Saving:- Propagating minimization of waste in home, college and public, energy saving, use of non – conventional sources of energy such as solar and wind energy. Director – Conservation:- He takes care of creating awareness among the students and people and mobilizing their support for Conservation of Natural Resources and Protection of Ecology, Bio – diversity, Forests; Wild life, etc., We need to support these assets of ecology as they support our life on earth. He can start a Focus Group,.” Naturalists’ Exnora” for these purposes, as part of his Students’ Exnora.
School Trash Bank Separate Bins for Paper, Plastic, Metal & Glass Can be also used in residential locality as community Trash Bank.