…So you want to go Cross-Country? John H. Campbell Mile High Gliding, Inc. Winter Haven, FL & Boulder, CO
X/C Motivations Of course you do… it’s high prestige Base skill at all SSA contests Base skill at all SSA contests Required task for all FAI badges Required task for all FAI badges Element of most SSA and FAI records Element of most SSA and FAI records The stuff of books, magazines, legends The stuff of books, magazines, legends Besides… it’s pleasurable & fulfilling Adds horizontal scenic variety to flights Adds horizontal scenic variety to flights Offers a structured challenge Offers a structured challenge Beats the “odds” impressively Beats the “odds” impressively But… it’s not for everyone Just staying up is enjoyable for most Just staying up is enjoyable for most Few FBOs permit it in their equipment Few FBOs permit it in their equipment Few clubs too... Few clubs too... What a hassle if I land out What a hassle if I land out And… it takes extra training Accuracy landings, field selection Accuracy landings, field selection Consistent centering, glide calculation Consistent centering, glide calculation Course selection, Navigation… Course selection, Navigation…
X/C Definitions FAA glider training standards General PVT Certificate or CFI X/C Endorsement Knowledge PTS V, VI, VIII, X. FAR Sim. Off-field ldgs., Thermalling, Speed-to- fly, Navigation, Airspace, X/C techniques Proficiency PTS V, VI, VIII, X. FAR ditto Actual X/C Experience -- none – dual or solo! (but we like it that way… GLIDER pilots do not all HAVE to be X/C SOARERS) do not all HAVE to be X/C SOARERS) What is a glider Cross-Country? 25 nautical miles? 25 nautical miles? Getting out of glide range of home? Getting out of glide range of home? Landing out? Landing out? Earning an FAI badge leg? Earning an FAI badge leg? … … What is it NOT !? Heading out over the National Forest Heading out over the National Forest Flying off to where the lift “has to be” Flying off to where the lift “has to be” Getting out of glide range of some field Getting out of glide range of some field Always flying on course like an airplane … Always flying on course like an airplane …
Glider X/C Hazards (it can be tougher than airplane X/C) Off-field Landings (the chances are 50%!...) I’MAIR (Resignation, No-DO, Late-DO). WSSSSW, “7S”, SCOWL. Altimeter? Should I do it like at home? Is that mowed hay?... Getting Lost I’m too busy staying up. The viewing height keeps changing. The Cu’s are never on course. Ded reckoning is dead. Getting Slow No point heading out on a 300k until you can do 30mph on a 100k. Try a “tiny triangle”! Twice! Shift gears. Zig Zag to speed up. Head in the Cockpit (GPS!) We finally have electronic NAVaids, too. How to use them safest?
LEARNING RESOURCES Practical Manuals Cross-Country Handbook, SSF [SSA] Cross-Country Handbook, SSF [SSA] Teaching Cross-Country, FFVV [K&G] Teaching Cross-Country, FFVV [K&G] CD-ROM or WWW download Beginning Cross-Country, Knauff [PPT] Beginning Cross-Country, Knauff [PPT] Thermalling, Transition to single-seaters, Thermalling, Transition to single-seaters, & other titles from Cumulus Courseware & other titles from Cumulus Courseware Flight Simulators SFS 4 SFS 4 MS FS 4 MS FS 4 Nothing builds judgment like experience, even virtual (and it’s 100% safe!) Reference Books Cross-Country Soaring (Reichmann) Cross-Country Soaring (Reichmann) Soaring Across Country (Scull) Soaring Across Country (Scull) Soaring Cross-Country (Byars) Soaring Cross-Country (Byars) Glider Pilot’s Handbook (Welch) Glider Pilot’s Handbook (Welch) Soaring Flight Manual (SSA) Soaring Flight Manual (SSA) American Soaring Handbook (Johnson) American Soaring Handbook (Johnson) Knauff’s “Basics” series Knauff’s “Basics” series Wander’s “Made Easy” series Wander’s “Made Easy” series Training Courses Sign up for one now, do instead of read!
OLD SSA PROGRAM BRONZE BADGE Complete ABC program Complete ABC program 15 solo glider hours, 30 flights, 10 single-seater 15 solo glider hours, 30 flights, 10 single-seater 2 solo flights of at least 2 hours 2 solo flights of at least 2 hours 3 witnessed solo spot landings 3 witnessed solo spot landings 2 dual simulated off-field landings 2 dual simulated off-field landings 80% grade on written exam 80% grade on written exam Tom Knauff Gene Hammond Inspired by existing BGA & FFVV programs “halfway” from C to Silver C
NEW SSF PROGRAM MASTER X/C INSTRUCTOR SSA Instructor (CFI-G, 100 hrs, apply) SSA Instructor (CFI-G, 100 hrs, apply) SSA Bronze, FAI Silver Badges SSA Bronze, FAI Silver Badges 25 hours glider X/C of over 25 nm 25 hours glider X/C of over 25 nm 1) Complete a Recognized Instructor Course, or 2) Participate at a Recognized Student Camp, or 3) Be Appointed by SSA Chief Master Instructor Certificate, pin & patch. Qualification for 2 years. Renewal by training 2 students Eligible for SSA dues reimbursement Dean Carswell Burt Compton Billy Singleton Frank Reid
Mile High Gliding’s Program Evening 1. Introduction; course plan and objectives Cross-Country philosophy, an overview --Break-- Off-field landings Evening 2. Soaring Weather – Finding & using the information Thermal Soaring: locating, centering, leaving --Break-- Thermal Structures, Cloud Reading Evening 3. Speed To Fly theory: best glide --Break-- --Break-- Speed To Fly theory: best speed --Break-- Speed To Fly theory: selecting & beating MacCready Prepared by Chris Rollings, past Senior National Coach, British Gliding Association Maker of World Champions!
Mile High Gliding’s Program Evening 4. Variometer systems Total Energy, Netto --Break-- Averagers, Speed Directors, NAV devices Climb Optimization: go/no-go, sampling Evening 5. Task selection Course Optimization: random-field, streets Convergences, Sea Breezes, Ridge, Wave --Break-- Height Optimization: go/no-go, height bands Evening 6. Navigation: Pilotage, GPS --Break-- Glide Estimation: next lift, final glide: thumb, JSW, NAV TBA Controlled Airspace & FARs SSA, FAA, Badge Systems --Break--Competition for copies of this Syllabus posted for download
Mile High Gliding’s Program To fly our equipment “Cross-Country”, we require [ Accompaniment by a staff Cross-Country authorized CFI-G (Master X/C SSAI), or ] Private FAA Glider Certificate minimum (or equivalent exp. for Juniors ) Private FAA Glider Certificate minimum (or equivalent exp. for Juniors ) SSA Bronze Badge awarded SSA Bronze Badge awarded Cross-Country Course [10 hr ground school, 3 hr dual flight experience ] Cross-Country Course [10 hr ground school, 3 hr dual flight experience ] Off-field landing motorglider (or airplane) course [ 1 hr field selection practice ] Off-field landing motorglider (or airplane) course [ 1 hr field selection practice ] MHG CFI-G Endorsement for Cross-Country privileges MHG CFI-G Endorsement for Cross-Country privileges Furthermore… Only in certain gliders (those with trailers!) Only in certain gliders (those with trailers!) Without this X/C endorsement, renters are expected to always stay within glide distance of the field, never requiring lift to achieve the return. Without this X/C endorsement, renters are expected to always stay within glide distance of the field, never requiring lift to achieve the return.
The Training is half the fun! Duo Photos at Winter Haven, Grob 103C at Boulder Course Week Feb nearly full. Feb and March available Sarah Steinberg, World Champion. Dale Pizzo, 3 Diamonds