Tertiary Education in the US (For benefit of international TAs) 4000 inst. High School Associate High School Associate Bachelor Bachelor Graduate (3.3 M) Graduate (3.3 M) Special Special Community Colleges 4-Year Colleges/Universities 4-Year Colleges/Universities Research Universities Research Universities
DREXEL UNIVERSITY What it is and offers Private, Research-Intensive. Because tuition-driven, has a significant teaching mission. 14,000 UG enrollment, 9,500 GR. Private, Research-Intensive. Because tuition-driven, has a significant teaching mission. 14,000 UG enrollment, 9,500 GR. For you, there are three graduate (post-baccalaureate) degrees in the American system of higher education, available at research universities, 4-yr colleges to 3.3 million students: For you, there are three graduate (post-baccalaureate) degrees in the American system of higher education, available at research universities, 4-yr colleges to 3.3 million students: the master’s (MS, MA, MBA,… 75% mostly Ed, Bus; mostly PT) the professional doctorate (MD, JD, DNP,….9%) the PhD (15%). Generally agreed that the hallmark of a great university is its graduate program. Generally agreed that the hallmark of a great university is its graduate program. Cost of graduate education ranges from $30,000 to $60,000. Most students receive aid. One source is TA-ship. But what does that entail? Cost of graduate education ranges from $30,000 to $60,000. Most students receive aid. One source is TA-ship. But what does that entail?
University Structure Your place in it and to understand that President President Provost/VP Academic Affairs “Administration” (non Academic) Provost/VP Academic Affairs “Administration” (non Academic) Deans Graduate Dean Vice Provost Bursar Registrar Student Affairs Drexel Central Drexel CentralProfessors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Teaching & Learning Adjuncts Lab Techs TAs Students
What Next? You Want the Degree But You Need Aid The University has 14,000 UG to teach and not enough faculty to teach them. The University has 14,000 UG to teach and not enough faculty to teach them. That’s where you come in. Older, knowledge-level close to that of faculty. You can help. There’s a match. Between need and availability. That’s where you come in. Older, knowledge-level close to that of faculty. You can help. There’s a match. Between need and availability. The University offers you a teaching assistantship. In exchange for a stipend and tuition remission, you assist the professor in the classroom and/or the lab. The University offers you a teaching assistantship. In exchange for a stipend and tuition remission, you assist the professor in the classroom and/or the lab. Besides, some of you want to be professors so the university must show you how to teach. So even RAs teach. Besides, some of you want to be professors so the university must show you how to teach. So even RAs teach.
The Chores of a TA When Classes Start Each week: 2-3 Two-Hr Recitations or 4 Two-Hr Labs. Each week: 2-3 Two-Hr Recitations or 4 Two-Hr Labs. Solve Problems /Explain Lectures /Supervise Lab Experiments to classes of students. Solve Problems /Explain Lectures /Supervise Lab Experiments to classes of students. Grade Student Work. Grade Student Work. Proctor at Exams. Proctor at Exams. Man Help Desk, Have Office Hours. Man Help Desk, Have Office Hours. Occasionally, stand in for Professor. Occasionally, stand in for Professor.
Less Likely Chores Though possible as seniors Make Up the Syllabus Make Up the Syllabus Set the Exams Set the Exams Decide Grades Decide Grades Run the Class On Your Own Run the Class On Your Own Have Complete Authority Over the Course Have Complete Authority Over the Course
WHAT THE DIRECTOR/HEAD WANTS You To Be A Team Player A Team Player Responsible Responsible Prepared, Know Your Stuff Prepared, Know Your Stuff Enthusiastic Enthusiastic A Good Communicator A Good Communicator Friendly, Caring but Not Tight Friends with Students Friendly, Caring but Not Tight Friends with Students An Extension of Your Prof An Extension of Your Prof Aware of Rules/Policies Aware of Rules/Policies TA Orientation is to prepare you to be all that!
For the University to succeed in its teaching mission, we need you to be the best that you can be as TAs. We value you. Please come to us as the go-to people at any time. THANK YOU