So Long Farewell, (Kindergarten) There’s a sad sort of clanging from the clock, In the hall, in the Nebo Café too. As up in the classroom an absurd little bird is popping out to say, “cukoo” “cukoo” Regretfully they tell us but sadly they compel us to say goodbye to….. you…..
So long, farewell Good by to all our friends We must move on when Kindergarten ends So long, farewell We know there’s lots to do Reading writing, Even counting too! So long, farewell, It’s time to say goodbye My how fast, the time did fly
So long farewell, We want you all to see! Here we come the class of 23! It’s time for us to leave and say “goodbye” So long, farewell auf weidersehen, goodbye Goodbye---Mrs. Green and Mrs. DeRamus Goodbye—Mr. Long and Mrs. Williams Goodbye—Mrs. Garrett and Mrs. Armstrong…………GOODBYE
Oh Mrs. Dodgen had a School Our Mrs. Dodgen had a school Nebo “Oh” And in this school we had PE Nebo “Oh” With a jump jump here and a Jump jump there, here a jump There a jump everywhere a jump jump Our Mrs. Dodgen had a school Nebo “Oh”
And in this school we had some Music! Nebo “Oh” With a drum drum here and a Drum drum there, here a drum There a drum everywhere a drum drum Our Mrs. Dodgen had a school Nebo “Oh” And in this school we had some letters! Nebo “Oh” With a long “A” here and a short “A” there Here an “Ay” there an “ahh” everywhere an “Ah” “ahh” Our Mrs. Dodgen had a school Nebo “Oh”
And in this school we had some Math Nebo “Oh” With a 1,2, here and 3,4 there Here a 1, there a 2, everywhere a 3, 4 Oh Mrs. Dodgen had a school Nebo “O”