So, You’re Going to the Archives a.k.a. Everything I wanted to know but didn’t know what I wanted to ask Gertrude B. Hutchinson, MA, RN Archivist, FNYSN, 2009
Initially, a lot of questions arise - What is an archive? Is it like on my computer? Where am I going? When can I go? Who will be there to help me? What can I take to it? What can I get from it?
Misconceptions about Archives and Archivists Archives are totally “off-limits” Archives are old, dank, dusty places full of “old things” Archivists are stogy, unapproachable and unwelcoming to researchers Let’s investigate ….
What is an archives? 1. Materials created or received by a person, family, or organization, public or private, in the conduct of their affairs & preserved because of the enduring value contained in the information they contain or as evidence of the functions and responsibilities of their creator …. 2. The division within an organization responsible for maintaining the organization’s records of enduring value [following the 2 major archival principles of Provenance and Original Order] 3. A collecting archive ((records of individuals, families, or other organizations) 4. The professional discipline of administering such collections and organizations 5. The building (or portion thereof) housing archival collections (Definitions from A Glossary of Archival & Records Terminology, Richard Pearce-Moses, SAA, 2005)
FYIs for Archival Navigation Gain some familiarity with a specific archive prior to going there for research Look at their website Look at their online finding aids Look at their policies and procedures
More FYIs for Archival Navigation Contact the Archivist to make an appointment to come for discussion and /or research If you know what collection you want to use, letting the archivist know ahead of your appointment makes the best use of your research time – the documents or artifacts you need can be obtained from the stacks and be waiting for you
There’s … More Researchers are supervised – standard procedure Documents many not be taken out of research area (except by staff for photocopying). Original order of folders and material must be maintained. Please notify staff immediately of any disarrangement Use only one folder from a a box at a time. Do not fold, write, or mishandle material in any way that will cause damage.
and … More Access is open unless there is a restriction placed by law, regulation, or depository agreement Proper citation must be followed – each repository has its own rules and formats Photocopying by staff at an established charge. Copyright laws are specific and adhered to.
What to bring 1. Your driver’s license, school ID. Most repositories will make a photocopy of it and put it with your file. 2. PENCILS ONLY! Pens of any type are prohibited 3. Tablet or notebook paper 4. Many repositories permit NO FLASH digital photography
What is PROHIBITED to bring into any archival repository 1. Smoking, Food, or Drink of any kind Documents and artifacts can be damaged, food attracts pests. 2. Back packs, brief cases, purses, coats. Coats should be left in the cloak room; other personal objects are checked with staff
Questions ??????? If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me: Gertrude B. Hutchinson, MA, RN Archivist, Bellevue Alumnae Center for Nursing History Foundation of New York State Nurses 2113 Western Avenue, Suite 1 Guilderland, NY ) , ext Website:http//: