So You Want to Work in Biotechnology… By Dallas Duncan and Dr. Frank B. Flanders June 2010
Working in a Lab Laboratory Technicians Biotechnology Research Associate Biotechnology Research Scientist Clinical Research Associate
Working in a Lab: Laboratory Technician Duties: –Help scientists gather information, materials, and samples –Set up apparatuses, perform calculations, and draw graphs and charts –Perform experiments and record all data –Responsible for cleaning materials used during experiments Education: Associate’s or bachelor’s degree Average Salary: $16 per hour
Working in a Lab: Biotechnology Research Associates and Scientists Duties: –Responsible for research and development projects in collaboration with others –Makes observations, analyses, and presentations of data –Investigates new methods and discoveries Education: Bachelor’s or Master’s Average Salary: $42,000 per year
Working in a Lab: Clinical Research Associate Duties: –Monitor clinical trials –Makes on-site visits and reviews cases –Communicate with clinical research investigators Education: Bachelor’s degree or higher Average Salary: $57,899 per year
Working in Life Sciences Cell Biologist Chemical Technician Chemist Genetics Engineer Microbiologist Molecular Biologist Research Biologist
Working in Life Sciences: Cell Biologist Duties: –Study the physiological properties, structure, organelles, environment, and life cycle of cells –Learn about single- and multi- celled organisms Education: Bachelor’s degree or higher Average Salary: Between $35,000 and $70,000 per year
Working in Life Sciences: Chemical Technician Duties: –Assist chemists and chemical engineers specific to one area –Conduct laboratory procedures and analyze data –Help perform tests on new products or methods Education: High school plus two years of training Average Salary: $18.35 per hour
Working in Life Sciences: Chemist Duties: –Study composition of matter and its properties –Measure substance proportions, reaction rates, and other chemical properties –Many sub-disciplines related to specific areas of chemistry Education: Bachelor’s degree or higher Average Salary: $45,609 per year
Working in Life Sciences: Genetics Engineer Duties: –Study the manipulation of genes used in cloning and transformation –Create new agricultural products and medical procedures Education: Doctoral degree Average Salary: $65,110 per year
Working in Life Sciences: Microbiologist Duties: –Study bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protists and how these organisms interact with and affect humans and the environment –Many different sub- disciplines Education: Bachelor’s degree or higher Average Salary: $48,661 per year
Working in Life Sciences: Molecular Biologist Duties: –Study the genetics and physiology of microorganisms in relation to human, plant, and animal health –Research how microorganisms can be used in medicine and food production Education: Master’s degree or higher Average Salary: $51,020 per year
Working in Life Sciences: Research Biologist Duties: –Conduct experiments and analyze data about living organisms –Many different fields, including environmental protection and medicine Education: Bachelor’s degree or higher Average Salary: $52,000 per year
Working in Agriculture Genetically Modified Food Specialist Laboratory Animal Caretakers Veterinarian Veterinary Technician Veterinary Technologist
Working in Agriculture: Genetically Modified Food Specialist Duties: –Research new foods and products created using GMO technology –Determine the health and environmental effects of GMO technology Education and salary will differ depending on the job and the company because this field of research is still very new
Working in Agriculture: Laboratory Animal Caretaker Duties: –Feed, water, and examine animals for signs of illness, disease, or injury –Clean and disinfect cages and surgical equipment –Assist veterinary technicians in post-operative care and sample preparation Education: High school Salary: $9.98 per hour
Working in Agriculture: Veterinarian Duties: –Practice medicine and surgery on small, large, and exotic animals –Research in pharmaceuticals and epidemiology to study diseases and how new products affect animals Education: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Average Salary: $70,000 to $91,000 per year
Working in Agriculture: Veterinary Technician and Technologist Duties: –Perform laboratory tests –Assist veterinarian in performing surgery and other medical procedures –Similar to what a nurse does for a doctor –Technologist can work in research-related fields Education: Associate’s degree for technician, Bachelor’s degree for technologist Average Salary: $30,000 to $40,000 per year
Working in the Medical Field Epidemiologist Medical Scientist Medical Writer Pharmaceutical Project Manager
Working in the Medical Field: Epidemiologist Duties: –Study the frequency and distribution of diseases in human populations and environments –Perform research, education, and public health practices –Recommend public health policy Education: Master’s degree or higher Average Salary: $30,000 to $50,000 per year
Working in the Medical Field: Medical Scientist Duties: –Research to advance knowledge of life processes and infectious agents –Work in clinical investigation, writing, and peer review of research Education: Doctoral degree Average Salary: $72,590 per year
Working in the Medical Field: Medical Writer Duties: –Produce scientific documentation of studies and research done by doctors and scientists Education: Bachelor’s degree Average Salary: $65,000 to $115,000 per year
Working in the Medical Field: Pharmaceutical Project Manager Duties: –Oversee development efforts for new drugs –Coordinate and monitor clinical trials of new medicine Education: Bachelor’s degree or higher Average Salary: $79,000 to $127,000 per year
Working in Biomedical Engineering Prosthetist Clinical Engineer Information Technologist Systems Engineer Robotics Engineer
Working in Biomedical Engineering: Prosthetist Duties: –Measures, designs, fits, and services a prosthesis –Invents prostheses for the lower and upper body limbs Education: Master’s degree or higher Average Salary: $65,323 per year
Working in Biomedical Engineering: Clinical Engineer Duties: –Support and advance patient care with innovative engineering and managerial methods –Work in product development to ensure patient safety Education: Doctoral degree Average Salary: $46,741 to $75,802 per year
Working in Biomedical Engineering: Information Technologist Duties: –Study, design, develop, implement and manage technology used to share and store information –Similar to programs in some computer science and information systems professions Education: Bachelor’s degree or higher Salaries: $43,450 per year
Working in Biomedical Engineering: Systems Engineer Duties: –Study logistics, coordination, and automated processes to handle projects –Overlaps with control engineering and project management careers Education: Doctoral degree Salary: $49,520 to $78,362 per year
Working in Biomedical Engineering: Robotics Engineer Duties: –Research and design robots –Work with electronics, mechanics, and software –Study innovative uses of robotics in fields such as medicine and manufacturing Education: Master’s degree or higher Salary: $50,000 to $60,000 per year
Working…Anywhere! Biostatistician Process Technician Quality Control Analyst Software Engineer
Working…Anywhere: Biostatistician Duties: –Apply statistics to biological experiments –Collect, summarize, analyze and interpret data from experiments Education: Master’s degree or higher Average Salary: $69,737 per year
Working…Anywhere: Process Technician Duties: –Perform and document daily manufacturing operations in biomedical, biopharmaceutical, and bioindustrial settings –Work with software and production methods in a sterile environment Education: Associate’s degree or higher Average Salary: $41,000 per year
Working…Anywhere: Quality Control Analyst Duties: –Monitor and audit quality standards for foods, textiles, clothing, electronics and other manufactured products –Work at every stage of production Education: High school Average Salary: $15.02 per hour
Working…Anywhere: Software Engineer Duties: –Creates designs implemented by software programmers Education: Master’s degree or higher Average Salary: $101,000 per year