S O MANY MAJORS, S O LITTLE TIME … How to Choose the Right Major Psychology Biology History Criminal Justice Animal Science Social Work Leisure, Sport, & Tourism Organizational Communication Nursing Pre-Medical Accounting Recording Industry
O BJECTIVES : Understand the process Know how and where to start Know where to get help Know where to gain experience
C URIOSITY WON ’ T KILL YOU 1/3 of students enter MTSU Undeclared every Fall Utilize general education courses to “try out” areas 41 required hours 14 total classes Over 60 classes to choose from Find out what MTSU has to offer catalog.mtsu.edu Academic Maps
S TART THE CONVERSATION Who do you know? On campus – advisors, faculty, staff, students Family – parents, cousins, aunt, uncle, etc. Family friends and neighbors Your own teachers, doctors, nurses, etc. Talk with them about their careers. The ins and outs? Why do they enjoy it? How it is growing? What are the needed skills? Can you have an internship/job?
T AKE SOME TIME TO REFLECT Think about your own experiences… Favorite classes in high school? Previous work experiences Previous volunteer experiences If you could do anything, what would you do? What’s your ideal job? Picture the environment What would your day to day look like?
U SE YOUR ( FREE ) RESOURCES University College Advising Center McFarland Building, Career Development Center KUC 328, Advising on Career Clusters What Can I do with a Major In…? CareerShift.com finds every job posted at every career site Mynextmove.org Career Fairs
L OOK AT THE WIDER SKILLS You’ll learn more than just what’s in the textbook. Ask faculty about transferrable skills. Accounting – management, organization Art History – analytical thinking Nursing – people skills, crisis management SCUBA Diving – leadership, management
D ECISION TIME Better to spend time finding a good fit rather than choosing hastily. Don’t get “tunnel vision.” Carefully consider all the options Utilize workshops, advisors, faculty, students Invest time in researching online Write down thoughts, concerns, questions, pros, cons to help you decide. Generally, students should declare by the end of freshman year.
M AKE SURE IT ’ S YOUR PASSION Shadow or assist someone in the career you like most. Make your vocation your vacation! Go for it! Choose wisely, but don’t be paralyzed by fear of choosing incorrectly.
G ET I NVOLVED Student Organizations MyMT Volunteering & Leadership Opportunities Center for Student Involvement & Leadership Internships Lightning JobSource
B EWARE OF THE EXCEPTION If you want to be a doctor or lawyer, you need to make a decision soon. There is a longer road ahead, and you need to get started now.
R ECAP Explore your options Talk with others Reflect on your thoughts, experiences, etc. Take advantage of assistance Consider the bigger picture Make a well-informed decision Confirm your passion Get some practice
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