So You Are An 8 th Grader….. By Mrs. Ericson and Mrs. Ramirez
What do I need to know? 8 th Grade Awards Night Promotion Ceremony LOP High School
8 th Grade Awards Night What do I need to know? 1.We look at all progress reports P1, P2, S1, P3 and P4. 2.P4 end date is April 24, 2015 Why is this important to know? 1.If you have a B/G or lower on any of your progress/semester 1 reports it can exclude you from receiving an award. For example- If you have had all A’s through your whole time here at DP and then you earn a B in one class one time it will knock you out of that award if it is to have all A’s.
What are some of the awards that I can receive? Departmental Awards-PE, English, Math, Science, History Description: Each teacher is free to establish their own set of criteria. Multiple students will receive these awards. Distinguished Award -Core Classes Only: English, Math, Science and History Description: May include outstanding citizenship, outstanding scholarship, commendable attendance and attitude towards school, positive role model for other students. Only one student per subject will receive these awards.
What are some of the awards that I can receive? Principal’s Award Description: May include outstanding citizenship, outstanding scholarship, commendable attendance and attitude towards school, positive role model for other students. Principal selects with input from staff and committee. 1-2 students will receive this award. Panther Pride Award Description: Student has contributed outstanding service to the students and staff; student has maintained commendable attendance, scholarship and citizenship grades during the year, committee selects with input from the staff. 1-2 students will receive this award.
What are some of the awards that I can receive? Vice Principal’s Award-Most Improved Award Description: May include improved attitude towards school over the last 3 years, improved citizenship, improved scholarship, improved attendance and punctuality. Student selected by the Vice Principal with input from staff and committee review. 1-2 students will receive this award. Perfect Attendance- 1 year, 2 years and 3 years Spirit Award-Club participation Special Recognition-ASB, Yearbook, CJSF, Music Program and Electives
What are some of the awards that I can receive? Kiwanis Club of Tierrasanta “Hope of American Award” Description: To recognize and encourage potential leaders upon completion of the eight grade in middle school. The fundamental aim of the project is to recognize and encourage potential leaders for sustaining our democratic way of life. Selection will be made not on the basis of high I.Q. or outstanding achievement only but on service to the community, character and consistent devotion to the acquisition of learning skills and leadership. 1-2 students will receive this award.
What are some of the awards that I can receive? Outstanding Scholarship-4.0 all progress reports and semester grades during 8 th grade Outstanding Citizenship- 4.0 all progress reports and semester grades during 8 th grade Academic Excellence- 4.0 all 3 years Presidential Award-3.5 or above GPA on their 6 th & 7 th grade Semester Report cards and their 8 th grade fall semester report card.
Promotion Ceremony 2 or more F’s in any classes you will NOT be able to participate in our Promotional Ceremony. *all this information is in the AGENDA
Loss of Privilege/LOP 10 or more tardies Less than 2.0 in citizenship “behavior” 2 or more suspension A recommendation for expulsion Multiple truancies “ditching” 2 or more unexcused absences- this means someone called in for you but the reason was not accepted by the district. For example, slept in, Disneyland…… *all this information is in the AGENDA
High School Open Enrollment timeframe November 1-Feburuary 15 All information about this is on our districts website. This only applies to you if you are NOT going to attend Serra High School.