CASE MANAGEMENT in CORRECTIONS Important Process: Important Features Assess Plan Implement Review Tony Grapes Subject Expert – DOMICE Project
WHY IS CASE MANAGEMENT SO IMPORTANT TO THE EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY OF CORRECTIONAL SYSTEMS?? prevalence it’s everywhere cost second only to the cost of custody individualisation (effectiveness) the “core business process” – converts inputs into outcomes - compliance, rehabilitation and public protection integrity (quality) “The case manager is responsible for the integrity of the whole supervision process” integration synergy; connecting correctional work into wider social care; re- settlement; integrating prisons and non-custodial providers
WHY IS CASE MANAGEMENT SO IMPORTANT TO THE EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY OF CORRECTIONAL SYSTEMS?? effectiveness the “core business process” individualisation; inputs (programmes, standards, treatments,) into outcomes (compliance, rehabilitation and public protection) prevalence it’s everywhere
Supervision Mediation Sentencing Reports Sentence Custody Non-custodial options Supervised Release SCOPE OF THE DOMICE PROJECT Detention
WHY IS CASE MANAGEMENT SO IMPORTANT TO THE EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY OF CORRECTIONAL SYSTEMS?? effectiveness the “core business process” – individualisation; converts inputs into outcomes - compliance, rehabilitation and public protection prevalence it’s everywhere cost second only to the cost of custody? quality “The case manager is responsible for the integrity of the whole supervision process” synergy one input building on another the whole being greater than the sum of the parts integration
Court Report Prison Training Treatment Case Management = 9 = ?
8 What Works Risks, Needs and Responsivity Cognitive/behavioural component, programme integrity, community-base and evaluation. Bonta’s “black box” Holt applying research and writing from health and social care The 4 Cs (continuity, consistency, commitment; consolidation)....and later...compliance Partridge Specialist, generic and mixed Managers tend toward specialisation; offenders and staff respond better to a person-centred approach Dowden and Andrews Core Correctional Practice Use of authority; modelling; teaching; using resources; warm, empathetic relationships The Desistance School What characterises desistance? How rather than What S ubjective, a stake; “agency”; redemption, new (non- offending) identity, a valued relationship IMPORTANT FEATURES
This completes the introduction to the conference in which we have tried to establish: o WHAT IS case management o WHY it is so important to the working of correctional systems In the next session we will illustrate the huge variety in the organisation and delivery of case management across Europe You will then have the opportunity to consider how your system compares within this variety and against some of the key features I have introduced